Major Leauge Gaming- ever heard of it??

Sil Dil

Active Member
Hey what up RIU community,
The reason I felt so inclined to post a thread like this is because I know most people appreciate how damn fun video games are well stoned off your ass. So I started playing Call of Duty first when World at War(5) came out, howver, I rarley played. The next year however, I injured my shoulder severly and was told by my doctor I would not be able to play football (I was grabage anyway) and Basketball (was hoping to play in college) normally for at least 2 years (a year later a bad fall would end the possiblity of ever having a full recovery) Just prior to my reinjury I discovered gambattles, which is an organiazed site through which one can play against other high level gamers. This for me, replaced the intensity and fueled my competive nature the way sports used to. When Modern Warfare 2 came out I became very good at it.
At this point I was constantly playing on gamebattles as well as participating in local live tournaments with some buddies that Ive know for ages (grade 3 to be exact) With my teams contiuning success we began to attend MLG semi-pro events and play tournaments with the elite players on gamebattles. Major Leauge Gaming (MLG) created the gamebattles website in order to have a pool of gamers to pick from while sponsering pros. At this point I became very curious with professional gaming and frustrated by the varrying figures when googling " How much does an MLG player make?" Shortly after MLG realeased its own internaet channel with literally thousands of stored videos they had. Among them was a show called Pro player feauture which gave a bio on any given pro gamer. TSquared (Halo 3) , who, from what I saw is the highest paid gamer (or at least was) admitted in his interview to making approx. 3 million per year total off his MLG contract and all his sponserships. When I heard this figure I decided professional gaming may actually be an option, although, I had met Call of Duty pros and was aware your average cod pro makes substatially less than a halo pro(between 50-150k yearly).With Black Ops just relased this figure is bound to rise, that isof course, only if MLG deicdes it will pick up Black Ops. Now that those of you without information about competitive/pro gaming have the low down and I've rambled for years I have some questions for the community.

First of all, Are any of you gamers bored of the low level of competiton in regular multiplayer games? If so you should deifnitly gives a try, it's very fun I garuntee(warning: highly addictive, haha, a site you could end up browsing for hours) Next question is, what do you guys think, serious gamers and people who play once a year, is watching talented gamers live exciting? MLG owner says that he beleives MLG will be as big as the popular sports leauges(NFL, NBA) during his lifetime, I personally disagree, what do you guys think? I honestly think that nothing can replace humans out on a feild, court, ect., busting thier asses to entertain and please thier fans. Lemme know what you guys think.
Thanks for reading.
I use to GB for BfBc2 but not for black ops, people take it to seriously but, if your really good there are ways to make a living just playing games! there are always lots of contests and stuff. if you play BO on Ps3 go ahead and add me

Im fully aware that I can make a living off gaming if Im good enough, the thread was more to address the last paragraph with a couple questions about MLG being as big as NFL or NBA. You GB, so you know about the competitve gaming scence, the above paragraphs were more to inform those who didnt. And I know what you mea about gamebattles, a lot of people take it seirosuly, and I think it is becaue they realize although it s farfetched and defintitly not easy, they could spend the rest of thier lives getting paid to play thier favorite games. Anyway, will do on the add, I play on a bunch of accounts so I could add you on any of these, iThrills, Mr.Thrills, MayDaii, eVo_MayDai, dF_Maydaii, just be ready to accept lol.
basically you are asking if we think that professional gaming could become like a spectator sport. 10 years ago i would have said no way. now i'm not sure. these younger kids are a lot more satisfied with non-human-contact communications than older people are, serious gaming being a prime example. in the year 2010 you really can get almost as much of a thrill watching or playing xbox football (for example) as being at a real game. some might find it more exciting because things happen in video games that would not happen in real life. there is a fantasy aspect involved, and this new crop of young'ns is far too willing to do away with live action from what i can tell. i think it could take off, but i don't like what it could lead to.
basically you are asking if we think that professional gaming could become like a spectator sport. 10 years ago i would have said no way. now i'm not sure. these younger kids are a lot more satisfied with non-human-contact communications than older people are, serious gaming being a prime example. in the year 2010 you really can get almost as much of a thrill watching or playing xbox football (for example) as being at a real game. some might find it more exciting because things happen in video games that would not happen in real life. there is a fantasy aspect involved, and this new crop of young'ns is far too willing to do away with live action from what i can tell. i think it could take off, but i don't like what it could lead to.

Very well said TotalHead, I honestly do beleive though everything is good for us in moderation. What video games lack in physial activity they make up in brain activity, (e.g. strategy or reflexes) But I can see what youre saying, if professional video games became as popular as professional sports it would be a disaster for society. It would mean millions of kids deciding to stay coopd up in thier houses with a pipe dream of making millions off it, rather than being social and physicially active. However, I still do have to disagree with the possibilty of gaming replacing pro sports, there just seems to me, no substitute for humans pushing thier limits, things you thought not humanly possible literally happening right in front of you. I can deifnitly see your point about people embracing the fantasy land that gaming ultimatly is, but not too the point of people being willing to go watch someone play madden live or turn to espn for monday night halo.
Ok, I pretty much agree with Total H. I can see huge stadiums with giant screens and massive roaring crowds but not in our time, it is still a bit far fetched but I agree it is getting crazy popular. I think GB just re did their site, and If your looking for a COD BO clan try, introduce yourself and tell em Kraig sent ya.
Ok, I pretty much agree with Total H. I can see huge stadiums with giant screens and massive roaring crowds but not in our time, it is still a bit far fetched but I agree it is getting crazy popular. I think GB just re did their site, and If your looking for a COD BO clan try, introduce yourself and tell em Kraig sent ya.

Thanks man, Ill definitly give them a shout and maybe set up a scrimmage or somthing. As for gamebattles, I only play credit tournaments and live events so I wouldnt need a normal ladder team. If they are semi-professional/sponsored team, tell your buddy we would be more than happy to scrimmage them anytime!
I gb'd a lot on gears of war2, and then some mw2 on 3rd person. Im damn good online, but man....I have never found a clan that will let me try out. So I got on a few teams that didnt run strats and we got our asses kicked. It just annoyed me more than anything. But there is definitely a difference between ranked rooms...and gb. Some of those kids are just plain sick. I play socom confrontation on ps3 now, but i hate it, its nothing like ca. I just dont mess with gb anymore, I gave up on all the kids that think they are too good to let a new guy try out
I gb'd a lot on gears of war2, and then some mw2 on 3rd person. Im damn good online, but man....I have never found a clan that will let me try out. So I got on a few teams that didnt run strats and we got our asses kicked. It just annoyed me more than anything. But there is definitely a difference between ranked rooms...and gb. Some of those kids are just plain sick. I play socom confrontation on ps3 now, but i hate it, its nothing like ca. I just dont mess with gb anymore, I gave up on all the kids that think they are too good to let a new guy try out
You have the typical problem that tons of good players have (im assuming your good;P) the individual skill is there but that simply is not enough. To be in contention for sponsorship or torunaments on gamebattles(and survive them) you need either..
1.A team with 3 other unreal players (most good teams, however they disband literally every loss)
2.A very smart strategic team with decent gun skill(If anyone knos pro cod, Xtravegent i MW2 was a perfect example of this)
3.A specialty, which you had which is kind of why im surprised you quit, most kids who pick one mode that isnt played often (e.g.3rd person or radar on) are able to dominate those just experimenting with those kind of game types, thus, preserve a strong record and rank

either way, I dont play on the normal ladders anymore soim afriad I can't try you out, but if you ever need a team for Call of Duty on Gamebattles (xbox or ps3) and you feel confident in your skill, I can hook you you with a very strong team. Also 2 posts ago, lol, go to that clans site and say keith sent you=) They seem legit.
You have the typical problem that tons of good players have (im assuming your good;P) the individual skill is there but that simply is not enough. To be in contention for sponsorship or torunaments on gamebattles(and survive them) you need either..
1.A team with 3 other unreal players (most good teams, however they disband literally every loss)
2.A very smart strategic team with decent gun skill(If anyone knos pro cod, Xtravegent i MW2 was a perfect example of this)
3.A specialty, which you had which is kind of why im surprised you quit, most kids who pick one mode that isnt played often (e.g.3rd person or radar on) are able to dominate those just experimenting with those kind of game types, thus, preserve a strong record and rank

either way, I dont play on the normal ladders anymore soim afriad I can't try you out, but if you ever need a team for Call of Duty on Gamebattles (xbox or ps3) and you feel confident in your skill, I can hook you you with a very strong team. Also 2 posts ago, lol, go to that clans site and say keith sent you=) They seem legit.

3rd person was definitely my strong point. I dont play mw2 anymore, and im not gonna buy BO. I just cant get into gaming as much anymore now that I have a 7-3 job. If i get back in college, ill def be giving this thread a re-read hahah. I've been playing some uncharted 2 here lately, that shit is funnnn!!!!!!!
3rd person was definitely my strong point. I dont play mw2 anymore, and im not gonna buy BO. I just cant get into gaming as much anymore now that I have a 7-3 job. If i get back in college, ill def be giving this thread a re-read hahah. I've been playing some uncharted 2 here lately, that shit is funnnn!!!!!!!

Yea uncharted is good fun. But yea I defintitly know what you mean about gaming, it can take over your life and time pretty easily.
Yea uncharted is good fun. But yea I defintitly know what you mean about gaming, it can take over your life and time pretty easily.

Oh, DUUUUUUDE. It was wake up, go to class, come back play xbox till 4am. repeat. everyday for 2 semesters. I hated the campus and the parties were shit. So i played gears and mw2. put 30dys on gears and 15 on mw2
I love playing with friends as a clan lol, signed up for GB once, played one game and the bitch was spawn killing me (on my host too) so me, knowing about modding etc.. decided to lag him out, got like 20 hate messages from him haha ever since that, haven't been on there loool
Oh, DUUUUUUDE. It was wake up, go to class, come back play xbox till 4am. repeat. everyday for 2 semesters. I hated the campus and the parties were shit. So i played gears and mw2. put 30dys on gears and 15 on mw2

Hahaha, I know all about that, +rep. Parties arnt bad round my campus but sometimes I'm just feeling the gaming to be honest. I have so many diffrent accounts I dont even wanna know how much time played I racked up, itll make me sick, haha.
I love playing with friends as a clan lol, signed up for GB once, played one game and the bitch was spawn killing me (on my host too) so me, knowing about modding etc.. decided to lag him out, got like 20 hate messages from him haha ever since that, haven't been on there loool

Unless youre really prepared to play a good team, they tend to just trap spawn and dominate. Really no fun if you dont know how to deal with it. I recommend GBing 1v1s first to work on gun skill/finding potential team mates (cause you play them so yo obviosuly know how good they are/if they suit your play tyle for a team, ect.) also gives you an idea of the kind of gun skill youll be up against in the team ladder.
I gb'd a lot on gears of war2, and then some mw2 on 3rd person. Im damn good online, but man....I have never found a clan that will let me try out. So I got on a few teams that didnt run strats and we got our asses kicked. It just annoyed me more than anything. But there is definitely a difference between ranked rooms...and gb. Some of those kids are just plain sick. I play socom confrontation on ps3 now, but i hate it, its nothing like ca. I just dont mess with gb anymore, I gave up on all the kids that think they are too good to let a new guy try out

Our clan will let anyone try out, we are a group of mature adults who enjoy playing with other adults. We have two active BO squads right now and both are looking for more players. hit em up
Our clan will let anyone try out, we are a group of mature adults who enjoy playing with other adults. We have two active BO squads right now and both are looking for more players. hit em up
I would for sure if i still had the game. I was broke about 4 months ago and sold all my shit. I got my systems back..but not my games. like i said if i go get that game soon ill be comin to this thread to remember that site
Hahaha, I know all about that, +rep. Parties arnt bad round my campus but sometimes I'm just feeling the gaming to be honest. I have so many diffrent accounts I dont even wanna know how much time played I racked up, itll make me sick, haha.

I know right? I could either go get drunk, or nuke on some kids. beer, 25 quick scopes...puke, or 28 commando knifes lol.