major munnchies


Active Member
what is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten or tried to eat while super high with major munnchies???kiss-ass


tortilla and penutt butter and i must have been real hig cuzz that shit was kinda fire

Sr. Verde

We went to McDonalds 10 minutes after it closed cause we didnt know it even closed

We walked up to the gate and were like, "Damn."

Then I saw those cookies on the tray next to the register. I was HIGH as fuck

I got an employee's attention and he said, "Sorry, were closed." To which I replied, "Hey, are you guys going to throw out those cookies?"

He turned around and walked back into the kitchen thingy and came back with a bag, poured both almost 2 full trays into a McDonalds bag and handed it to us, it was like fuckin christmas

I dont know how many there were exactly but it had to be like 20-30 cookies total (we each ate 10 or 15)

We ate them all on the 15 minute walk back to his place :D


Well-Known Member
When staying on a boat, all of the power went but we had gas. All got fried and cooked up about 12 sausages using a phone as a light!


Active Member
oh shit man I dont remember but I can say... whatever I dont like the taste of always taste good to me when Im high