Major Update on Bagseed Grow. First Attempt, Rate/Advice, Already Flowering!

I say major as I have not posted in update in a couple weeks now. So we're a couple/few weeks into actual flowering now, I don't know how far for sure I'll have to check my notebook later, but everything is looking good to me! We had to remove two very healthy males which was very disappointing but out females are coming along great still. Had a little runt that we put under 12/12 and turns out its a female as well! Also threw a sprout in there for kicks.

Just starting to smell a bit, and look so sick in my opinion! I'm impressed for my first grow. Only one or two small miracle grow feedings early in veg, other than that all natural! More lights coming soon.

The first picture is a plant that was topped the day of starting the flowering cycle.
The fifth picture is the little runt. It was topped and vegged for a very short while, and now has two tops with a third really skinny top underneath the others.


Here's what they looked like at the start of flowering (with males):


Well-Known Member
Looks alright.
I'm assuming you're using only 2700k bulbs?
If you mix it with like 3 2700k/s to one 6500k, you will notice a lot less stretch.
Looks alright, some heat stress going on, and don't cut off fan leaves, I don't know if they were injured and fell off, but the tall plant is missing a set of large leaves. These are what feed your plant..
Good luck!
Yeah, all 2700's. I only went looking at Wal-Mart really and oddly enough could never find any 6500K. Once we find more lamps/sockets of some kind I'll maybe aim for 6500 as well, thanks!
But you are correct about there being some burnt leaves. Truth is we're hosting the grow at a friends house whom I visit almost everyday, but they are much less educated on the growing process than I, and can't seem to check up on the regularly enough >:( I've 'yelled' at them a couple times, but it all happened in the vegetative state. I'm the one is charge of everything pretty much so far, and I've just been teaching them along the way as long as learning/experiencing more myself. I've told them how important it is to avoid stress during flowering though so I sure hope I don't see any more burnt leaves!
And also, we haven't removed any leaves on the plant thus far. We've had approximated 3 leaves drop off between the plants naturally but that's about it. I sure don't remember seeing any big leaves come off, just the little ones toward the base of the plant from early days.
A little picture update. Plenty of progress made on the flowers now, they're getting more beautiful each day, and have started forming trichomes as well now! We just added 3 additional 23w CFLs in today as well, maybe just a couple more soon. Oh, and the smell is coming back :) How's everything look?



Active Member
Looking good Shibby :D From what I know you are getting pretty early trichome production which is awesome! Keep up the good work, I'll stop by now and then to see how it is going. I'm on a bagseed grow as well. :) The mystery is kinda fun.
Thanks dabupp! I'll try to remember and check my 'date log' to see when flowering was actually started just for the exact date. Can't remember ATM. You're right though, it is pretty fun. Everyday you look somethings changing! Your grow is looking superb as well. I was interested in LST myself, but after lots of though I decided for my first grow I was just going to let everything go naturally... until I changed my mind again and decided to top two of em :smile: which in my opinion was a great idea! They are two very different looking plants now, that's for sure. I do have another sprout (from a bag of mids rather than dro, can't wait to see what happens there) that's starting it's real veg stage now though, I think I'm gonna try and LST that one at least shortly after I transplant.

Here's just a quick little pic outlining the lighting just a little better.


Well-Known Member
looks good im a week or so behind you. you can check out my signature but besides that i wanna be where your at now id feel alot better but it takes time. keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
lookin good man...the picure with your light count on it...the plant on the right is like that because of to much need to flush, and then continue with your flowering nutes...some people may or may not know but to much nitrogen inhibits flowering...substantially i would say.
To be honest, the plant on the far right (the shorter one you mean) is growing/flowering just as well as the one of the left in the pic (the tall one.) Plus, other than within the first 3 weeks of veg, I haven't used any nutrients at all for any of the plants. So it's been almost a month since nutes were added last. They weren't even time release nutrients either. They seem to be doing just fine to me.

Heathaa you have some pretty nice size plants there! Must be nice to be able to grow outdoors. But your right, time is killer when your filled with this kind of anticipation. For years I've been hassled buying weed from others at expensive prices, sometimes good, sometimes bad... but to have these already dank looking plants sitting right in front of us... I just can not wait!

EDIT: Also, I don't know if your aware or not, but it is topped as well, which is why its so much shorter/bushier. But the hairs on it are super long now and it's also starting to produce some sugarrr around the bud sites :)
So... my friend talked to the person who sold us the seeds... and he said they're supposedly Northern Lights seeds. I don't know the original source of them, as I didn't talk to him myself, so who knows if its true, but I can just pretend I'm growing some NL still can't I? Hahaha.

Here's a nice close-up of a mids seeds we planted a little while ago too. We'll get to see how it compares to the big girls! (Assuming its female... lets hopeeee!) It was grow under 24 hour lighting until it rooted, then was switched to 12/12 and put along with the other plants. This seed germinated all on its own after I buried it in one of the pots of the bigger plants.

So! I finally got some date approximations on everything... and the buds are coming along superb!
Germinated on May 20th
Sprouted on May 23rd
Began flowering on June 12th.

So, with these updated pictures (two days old now, actually) ... how does my progress look compared to the dates? Trichome production is crazy right now! The lighting in these pics makes it hard to tell but you can see even off of my previous posts its there. I'll def have more pics soon! Wish I had a better camera besides my cell :\

Pics Taken Earlier today. The extra little guy in the last pic is a confirmed female from a mids bag! Woo-hoo!

First: The Whole Grow
Second and Fourth: The Tall Plant
Third: The Shorter Topped Plant
Fourth: The 'Runt"
Fifth: The Baby from a Mids Bag
