makeing my buds sweeter

hi there just wondering if any one out ther nos that if you add sugar to your water tank will it make your buds tasted sweeter i no it works with fruit plants plz let me no thanks bongsmilie
i was going to give the bud candy a go iv only being growing for a year so im sill new to it how do you use the bud candy do you just use it wen the plants are in 12/12


Well-Known Member
I have some GH FloralNectar Pineapple rush I have not tried it yet? Does anyone know if you can mix it in with the nutes or when watering?
Sorry for the HiJack,,,But supposed to be a sweetener,,,with cane sugar,malt extract, and molasses.


the bud candy is for week 1-6 of the flowering phase.
That sounds right.

Yeah, don't ever use sugar - that's going to cause a lot of crap to grow that you will have a lot of trouble getting rid of it.

Molasses is even worse because it's just not made for MJ growing. It's just some sort of hippie legend that people keep talking about. I mean, I'm sure it works for someone with a better touch than I have.

Use the Bud Candy - it's made for growing and it's really easy to figure out. Check out the label and the website.
