Makes ya SICK

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Well me anyway...watching these fools walk into these legal bandit schwagg stores.
All giddy too. Stupid bastards. One woman was saying she usually bought at a illegal dispensary but it was shut down last week.
Ramp up boys.
Pretty sad and disgusting day.


Well-Known Member
I’m with ya hippy the only time I go in the government bunk stores is to ask for organic non irradiated cannabis and then laugh when they try and say that irradiated cannabis is done for our safety. News flash government budtender cronies irradiated weed was never tested for inhaling just eating


Well-Known Member
It's as simple as this...

LP rep in a cool lab coat, safety glasses and carrying a clip board says "it's safe, they dont give these lab coats to just anyone" and people can't get the hook down their throats fast enough, and pay twice the price for an inferior product.

I have a buddy that considers himself the connoisseur of connoisseurs and brags up the NSLC weed all the time. How it tastes so good, burns clean, gets him high af. I dont understand it, I smoke it and it's B grade at best, and mine is torso, head and shoulders above that and so is any grower's I know. You know what I think it is? I think it's an ego boost for him to walk into a store where he gets to act all know it all and school the morons at the store about how much of a connoisseur he is. He's always wrong about things he claims to be an expert on regarding cannabis, the process, and the "cleanliness" of the product. The store chumps won't correct him, but I do constantly. It makes him feel small in the presence of someone who knows more, and I've tried to be polite and teach him. He likes to quote "budtenders" opinions and misinformation like it's gospel. Makes me chuckle, like "the clean white ash is a sign that there are no pesticides". Lol. Hope he enjoys his $50 8ths of pink kush.
