If you have an OSH near you, they have a Rainmaster patio-sized drip system kit on sale for $40. It includes a lot of stuff, it's a pretty decent deal. I would have bought it as I intend to eventually convert my flowering closet to full hydro from hand watered soiless mix, but I'm torn between drip and DWC for that space so I held off.
I have a practical question regarding drip:
is it safe to pressurize a drip system using a reservoir (like a 5 gallon bottle, say) and a submersible aquarium pump, left on? Or do you need to time the pump to turn on with the drip timer to avoid burn-out? And even then, will running the pump with the drip system pressurizing end-cap on the line eventually burn it out? As I understand it, these drip systems are meant to use hose timers that rely on water pressure. And if using an aquarium pump is a bad idea, would the amount of pressure generated by standing water in a 5 gallon container fed with a float switch from an RO system be enough to run the drip? Or a pressurized RO storage bottle?
I ask, in order to better decide between drip and DWC as mentioned above.