Making Ectasy?

Way alot of info on green on here. Helped me alot getting my first harvest out. Got some good yield. Havent found any kind of site anywhere that has info on making E, no videos, no nothing. Maybe i havent looked hard enough. How do they take the powder and turn it into pill form? Anyone got any kind of advice here?


Well-Known Member
it's called a pill press...

if you have to ask that i don't think you should be attempting to make e...
Seriously.... This forum is to help people grow marijuana, for medicinal purposes. It's not about "getting fucked up" and looking for information about shit like e. It is asanine and immature, and it dosent belong here


i am sorry guys but i think you are overreacting... i dont do drugs only weed and although it helps me with my really high blood pressure is not the only way i smoke. if i was ok i would still smoke weed because i love it and you know that weed doesnt get you fucked up. so because i am not growing for medicinal purposes i dont belong here? :/ this guy just asked a question and i personally advise him against ANY drug even those in pharmacies and especially homemade drugs. but sooner or later we all experimented dont be so harsh and cruel... peace :)


Well-Known Member
There is a "Hallucinatory Substances" sub-forum on this website guys.... ease up... Whether you agree with it or not, this site does have discussions on all drugs.... The poster just asked in the wrong area.