making honey oil-butane wash


Well-Known Member
ive heard butane honey oil is a very gooey mess to make. these kids were saying how it accumulates in the bottom of the end cap and doesnt flow out. i was wondering if you can do a second wash to get the remaining honey oil? ive never made it or saw it being made except for a couple you tube videos. im working with a 2" outer diamiter piece of pvc with 2 rounded end caps, vector butane and a little more than 31 grams of dank seeded bud


Well-Known Member
ive heard butane honey oil is a very gooey mess to make. these kids were saying how it accumulates in the bottom of the end cap and doesnt flow out. i was wondering if you can do a second wash to get the remaining honey oil? ive never made it or saw it being made except for a couple you tube videos. im working with a 2" outer diamiter piece of pvc with 2 rounded end caps, vector butane and a little more than 31 grams of dank seeded bud
Yes, you can do a second wash. Most people do. It won't hurt. You shouldn't have any problems really (especially since you're using standard PVC) if you let it all evaporate cleanly.



Well-Known Member
1 foot long2" in diamiter pvc section with 2 rounded end caps. i filled it with 23 grams of ground bud put the cap on and emptyed the butane into the pvc. pretty easy. after 2 washings i yeilded maby a gram of honey oil. i pulled the top end cap off and dry weed went everywhere. so i picked up what i could put it in a plastic baggie and weighed it and it came out to 18.5 grams. why did all that bud escape extraction. the butane was pouring out of the endcap. i dont get how i had all that leftover dried but in the pvc. if anyone has any info id gladly appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
1 foot long2" in diamiter pvc section with 2 rounded end caps. i filled it with 23 grams of ground bud put the cap on and emptyed the butane into the pvc. pretty easy. after 2 washings i yeilded maby a gram of honey oil. i pulled the top end cap off and dry weed went everywhere. so i picked up what i could put it in a plastic baggie and weighed it and it came out to 18.5 grams. why did all that bud escape extraction. the butane was pouring out of the endcap. i dont get how i had all that leftover dried but in the pvc. if anyone has any info id gladly appreciate it.

you have to grind it up into powder almost.


Well-Known Member
I do it with PVC too, but ditch the second end cap and put 2 coffe filters over the open end, and tape it all up, tape the coffe filter to the PVC, have tape on the PVC or else it will slip off... I get the butane all over my hands and it dosnt bother me... unles its all THCd up and im stick :P but some people say they have gotten 2nd degree burns, so be carful, and dont smoke near it till its dry ;)

yea and run it through a grinder or blender like FDD said


Well-Known Member
yeah i put it in the grinder, and again, i did 2 butane washes, opened the end cap, and a bunch of weed went flying everywhere. so i picked up what i could (it was powder) and emptied all the dry weed in the pvc out and i have 19 grams of powder still. im not sure if ill make more oil or tincture. i still dont get why after 2 washes of butane, i still had over 19 grams in the pvc. my sister said i was supposed to shake it.


Well-Known Member
what!?!?! you just left it uncoverd?
you were supost to put a coffe filter on it and rap it with tape actualy tucking the PVC so it dosnt fall off... I said that up there!!!! MAN
THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!!

I find that I dont get great yeild when use under an ounce... and I smoke the bud afterwards... if I have to, stil has enough THC to get you high... but bairly... and its probably bad for you, even though the butane should all evaporates since it evaporates at like -3542345 degrees


Well-Known Member
cause no one said anything in the other post i need to show my yield from last night. hope it was worth it next time i will put more money into it.

4.86 x2 on butane
like 4.00 on pvc. not bad and it was roach weed.


Well-Known Member
so i finally figure out how yeild works for honey oil. as long as i grow ill continue to make this stuff.

my sister thought it was a good idea to freeze the pyrex dish that had alot of remaining honey oil that was all hard and crusted on to the dish. after freezing it it scrapes clean off the bowl with a spoon and easily collected in vials. funny thing- nowhere at all have i read anything about freezing honey oil. i honestly thought it was going to turn into cement on the dish.


Well-Known Member
good stuff. I never read anything about putting it in the freezer, but I've done it a few times, and a few times it did come out all stuck to the plate like cedment