

New Member
Hey everyone, complete newb here lol How long does it take before you can start seeing what the sex is of the plant? They are just over 5 weeks in since sprouting..


Active Member
Lmao that shit made me laugh :clap:

Ok so 1st off ur 5 weeks from sprout so ur like really 2 1/2 into veg alrdy or 3

ur gonna want to veg for as long as you want ( how big u want ur plant to be plus how much room u have) (realize once u switch to 12/12 ur plants are likely to double or triple in size)

after u get to that point ur gonna switch ur lights from 18/6 or whatever ur doing now to 12/12

once you've switched to 12/12 this means u flipped to flower

after that some ppl see sex on the very next day others cpl weeks


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, complete newb here lol How long does it take before you can start seeing what the sex is of the plant? They are just over 5 weeks in since sprouting..
Its different for all strains. Some get preflowers in veg, some only show sex after 12/12.
yours will probs show after 12/12. Also we need more info about your setup to help you.


New Member
Well as far as what strains they are, that'll be interesting to try and find out. I bought the seeds from a bank that had multiple possibilities listed that could be in the batch. As far as set up I have them indoors in soil going 18/6 on an 8bulb t5 set up with fans and humidifiers.


New Member
I have only been growing for a few months but from the 8 plants I've found that males seem to show sex within 1 week maybe slightly longer, while females can take up to 2 weeks to show.
Just to clarify what the other guys have said you first need to decide how big you want your final plant to get, then when it reaches between 1/3 and 1/2 that size you switch it to 12/12 and start to check for sex every day thereafter.

to get a 1 Metre high plant I would switch to 12/12 when its around 40cm and only then will the plant start the process of showing It's sex.