Male flowers containing hairs?


Well-Known Member
Do male flowers ever contain hairs like those from female flowers. My WW was growing what i thought to be male flowers on an otherwise female plant. I've let them go a while just to be sure i as dealing with a hermie and they seem to be cracking open now. They seem to contain these green banana shapes that ppl refer to when discussing male flowers but also have hairs similar to those from female flowers. Just want to know if this is normal or do i have a full blown hermie on my hands? I'm worried it is because the WW came from a feminized seed :(


New Member
It's a girl. I've seen female flowers that looked like they were male until the hairs broke loose. They had a little stem to 'em too. Nothing to worry about there.


Well-Known Member
Yeh thats what i've heard but they definitely seem to also contain little green banana shape things. It may be that these are just the new leaves that would form but i'm really not convinced. They only seem to be forming on the stems and dont seem to be forming at the top of the buds. Most of them i have removed now so hopefully they shouldn't cause me too many probs.


New Member
Why would you remove them? That's dumb. Just give 'em a lil more time. If you think it's a hermie you might as well throw it away....... remove them... wtf?!


Well-Known Member
Lol we're only talkin like maybe 10 on the whole plant. They were mostly lower down on the plant where there wasn't much going on anyways. The top part of the branches are doing well it's just these flowers just seemed very odd and from gowing in the past have never seen anything like it apart from on male plants. Having never let a male get beyond the first few days of flowering i don't really know exactly how they look when fully developed. I was just worried that if i let them progress any further they would pollinate my plant. I think they're are a few left on some of the banches so i'll leave them be as see what happens. They definitely all seem to eventually sprout hairs it's just the shape of the pod is exactly what u'd expect a male flower to look like and it just seems odd when on the rest of the plant I have completely normal looking female calyxes. Thanks for the reassurance tho :)


Active Member
WOW! thats exactly whats happened to my plant over the last 2/3 days. Just in the 4th week of flower and everything was looking sweet, i was 100% sure it was female until 2 days ago when i found small 'BUNCHES' of banana shaped leaves. I too have read about these being on a male plant. My plant seems to b budding nicely, smells awsome and is quite sticky and covered in trichomes. It looks the shit! let me know how yours develop. I haven't plucked any of these 'bunches' as yet, however 2 have fallen off and died. And by small i mean maybe half a cm to 1cm total length. I would post a pic but have no way of doing so. Anyhoo, keep me posted of how yours turn out and i'll let you know how mine develop. Should i b takin them off of the plant?


Well-Known Member
I have been removing them just as a precaution because i'm pretty sure they'll spray pollen everywhere if i let them crack open. Luckily there aren't many and only seem to form in pairs at the lower nodes away from the main bud sites. I'll keep you posted!