Male Isloation Chamber Question


Active Member
About to built me a male ilsolation chamber, my question,...can I have two different strains in it at one time without it affecting each strain?

May sound stupid, but I am wondering if the pollen from each one will affect the other.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
No they will not have any effect on each other.It may make it hard to keep the pollen seperated if you are trying to pollinate one plant with the pollen from one specific plant.You may end up with the pollen from both when you try to collect it.
You do know that you will have to have it air tight,any leak will mean you can pollenate ever plant in your house.You will need to change clothes and take a bath after your visits to the males.Just the act of opening the door will release pollen into the house.Good luck.OPH


Active Member
Thanks dude. Probably should have been more clear, not trying to collect pollen, haven't got that far along yet. This is my first grow from something other than bagseed. Order'd two strains and want to seed one male each out as insurance in case I lose my mothers and really like either one of the strains.