Male Or Female???


New Member
You gotta get up close where the node meets the meristem. Look for preflowers and take pics of those.


Well-Known Member
Is it just one plant? The fifth picture looks like it may have balls, but I can't see close in enough. If you have white hairs in the nodes, it's a girly girl. If you have balls coming out of the creases, it's a boy.


Well-Known Member
I'm not real knowledgeable on hermies, but I've read where some people remove the branches w/ balls. I guess if you get them before they open, they won't pollinate the females. if the balls have already opened, you're going to have seeds.


Well-Known Member
Yea but you need to pull all the male branches immediately and your harvest will be really small. Only the female branches obviously. It might be worth it to breed the plant and you might bet a bunch of feminized seeds. Sometimes hermies dont pass on the trait so then you could have a bunch of seeds.


Well-Known Member
I'd say female ! And you can take that TO THE BANK , course they will look at you and say" what the fuck are you talking about " BUT HEY , what do you care , you've got a female at home that wants you to smoke her !:hump: