Male or Female


Title is pretty self explanatory. i think i know what it is but i just want some other opinions. thank youbongsmilie:bigjoint:IMG149.jpg:eyesmoke:

sorry about pic quality. taken with cell phone


I really hope I dont see balls....that looks male. I will try to take some better pics of my plant so I can see what sex mine may be. I dont think it shows yet but i should rite?


Well-Known Member
Burn it, make a video, put on youtube so we can let our seedlings watch it so they know the fate of the ball growers.


thank you for verifying my suspicions. hopefully my other two are going to fair better. pretty sure i have at least one true female. not sure about the other one yet.. i'll try to get some pics up.


ok.. i think i managed to get a few decent pics. first i'll post the one that i think is my female. #1
and then i got one pic of the one i'm not completely sure on.. it's got some balls, but not as much as the first male, and it's also got what looks like hairs but i couldn't get a clear pic of them yet. #2


the funny thing is... plant labelled #1 is actually my oldest plant out of the three. the other two are/ were younger and showed their sex alot quicker.
I know to assume makes an ass outta u and me, but is it kinda safe to assume that #1 is female?


And this is what She looks like in all of her glory.. lol. Any tips from this stage to harvest? gonna add a few more 2700k cfl's soon. She has been in the ground since end of February - Begining of March. I know she is taking her time because which is probably due to the fact of her poor lighting, but is there anything that I could do minus hanging a 400w hps or mh light to bring her around? really low budget. And I don't really expect to get much of anything off her, but maybe work towards getting a better setup for next time around.

