Male plant or hermy ? panic !


First time males poped up or these girls changed there mind ! I check my grow morning and night and the first time I mist the bed time story's Bang over 1 1/2 days I got blossoms going on !! sounds crazy but these plants were growing 1 1/2 to 2 inches a day. these were in my bud room to boot with other well budded girls ! But there are no pollen sacks so do I need to worry about my real girls pumping out seeds ? or do pollen sacks open up like that ?......... help ! panic male plant 002.jpg male plant 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
Concur....male if was with females imo id spray a mist of water over females.
Not with lights on of Course...Spray and shake water off and pray.


Shit :wall: worst night mare , with all the fans I run in that room I am toast ! cant believe I did that :wall::wall: ..........I am gona run up there right now and kill the light 2 hours early and spray the crap out them. hope for the best:?


Ok the deed is done. How long until I will know if any damage is done ? looks like about 3 opened up. thanks for the tip to spray them down Beech !!


Well-Known Member
The first 1-3 sacks that open and throw pollen are sometimes sterile and wont fertilize your female. If you're lucky this is what happened but if they are viable pollen you'll see the hairs on pollinated buds start turning brown prematurely. That would be a sign that seeds are starting to form.


Thanks for that information, there remains hope :clap: I misted again and shook them of gently again last night and will be watching. Still befuddled ending up with 5 male plants when only 2 seeds were free regulars no clue were the others came from since I buy only female beans. wont be germing any regulars any more............... thanks guys for the help much appreciated, :weed:


New report, I see a few hairs turning on a few buds the ones closes to the male culprit . So even if a few buds were affected I wont lose my hole crop ? only the buds that got hit I assume ? ............. dirty rotten X0X0XX0X00X0X0XXX ..........JUST VENTING ! think I need a mood stabilizer bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You check your plants every day and a male plant grew this long? I'm not following this. Why does it sound crazy that they were growing 1/2 to 2 inches a day? That plant could not have gotten like that overnight. I don't see any signs that would make you think it is female at any time. Are you saying it had buds but in the middle of flowering it switched to pollen sacs? In need of enlightenment I am.


Bahaha I was wondering that my self . I already pulled 2 plants a couple days earlier and yes they went from a suspicious looking to bang balls in about 28 hours. Bear in mind this is my second grow and no males on the first grow, so its my first experience with ID ing them. And I only germed 2 reg beans so I wasn't thinking more males.........they went really fast that's all I can say. My room runs 80-84 end of the day maybe that accelerated thing.................. fear not will be more carful now on :wall: you have bin enlightened !