Male plant Q.


Well-Known Member
So unfortunately.. i think my plant is male. :/ i only have the one growing so i dont want to kill it. i would like to actually keep growing it to get seeds. when will i know that the seeds are ready? will they fall off? i tried to do some research but i could only find directions on how/when to harvest your females... not males.
Well.. You could harvest the pollen on your male plant and then nex time you grow only apply a little of it to a couple of your females sites to get some seeds, but still get some great buds


Active Member
Grow him out and collect pollen for when you have a girl. I had 5 of 6 be males on my first grow, so I grew out the best male of each strain. Now I have pollen from three kinds that I can make seeds from any female. The very first time I tried, I got 27 seeds from pollinating just one big bud. I'm about to harvest a plant that I used one branch on to make a crossbreed of my own with two favored strains...can't wait to see how many seeds she's made! Get yourself another seed germing and cross your fingers that it ends up a girl, then you can dab a couple buds with pollen saved from your boy and you will be set for a while.