male plant?


Hello I am 11 days into flowering my OG Kush from feminized seeds.

I went to turn the lights on today and had a close look at the plant's nodes.. I noticed balls forming but I am curious if this could be early sign of pistol.. I've Googled and googled but can't find a definite answer..

From the pictures below [11th day of flower, 600watt] are these male or is it to early to tell for sure? As you can tell I'm a noob;o first grow20150401_000546.jpg20150331_234301.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like a male or hermy. Give it another day and should be able to tell for sure


Well-Known Member
If they are feminized seeds then they should only be able to produce hermis or females. Or you got ripped off with your seeds.
If you only have the one plant then let it grow, Youll get some bud off a hermi but it will be seedy. Bonus of the seeds being feminized.
If you have other plants near by then better to chop it unless your after seeds.


Such a sad day for any grower. Well guess 3 out of 6 were males.. bought my seeds at a dispensary that said they were feminized.. (not trusting that again lmao clones from here on out) the other 3 haven't shown balls or pistols, waiting game? Or is it safe to say I would have seen balls by now 20150402_002526.jpg


Now to dispose of the bodies.. thinking I'll make a dude smoothie.. maybe shove them in a barrel of acid and throw them in the river20150402_001049.jpg20150402_000533.jpg

Sunny Organics

Well-Known Member
if they told you they were feminized seeds you should call them back and tell them you want new seeds, show them your pictures.