Male plants.... are they useless???


Ok, so ive heard u can and u cant, but i wanna ask one more time to see if its worth my time to try it. Can i use male plants to make budder?? ive watched a couple youtube vids of people taking their male's leaves and stems and chopping it all up really fine, then putting it in a crock pot with sticks of butter for a few hours then they strain it out, let the liquid sit for a while, and it turns into a nice light green chunk of budder like u would usually see, but is this budder potent enough to get u high or just a lil buzz, would it really be worth it? Feedback appreciated.... i'll know the sex of my plant in a few days so i want to know if i have use for a male.


You dont want to take chances with the rest of the crops. There is not much THCs in male plants but not useless IMO. bongsmilie


All the bud i harvest will be smoked, but i can still use the stems, leaves, and trim from the FEMALE plant to make good potent budder right?


Well-Known Member
I say forget the stems and fan leaves, I only use sugar leaves and lower popcorn nugs to make butter, or more recently for doing extractions. Use the stems as plant stakes to hold up the next harvest.


Well-Known Member
Stems and fan leaves don't have many cannabanoids in them no. I've heard of people using them for different things, but by weight IMHO they are useless for butter or extractions. You will maintain a better product if you stick to only trim with trichomes on it. The resin in the trichomes is where the majority of any THC is located on the plant.


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen a vegging plant contains an average of 2% thc...male plants in flower do start to frost but they aren't very potent.. if you have to use males or even a vegging plant. I would do an iso extraction or something to get the amount of leaves and such you would need down to size. Then put that hash oil in butter or whatever


Well-Known Member
You can, it's not worth growing and will be very low potency.

Use xtra virgin coconut oil instead of butter. You can throw everything in, but I would focus around the bud sites and frosty leaves.

The good thing about it is you can re-infuse it again and again to make it more potent.