Man im freaking out


Active Member
i started with 4 germed purp haze seeds and the started flying growing real fast under some cfls then after 2 weeks hit i felt like i could put in the hps light so i did and i gave them some nutes at about 90 ppms but i looked at everyone elses pics and in soil everyone elses plants were huge mine are at about 20 days old and only 2 sets of leaves and the 3rd set on the way so they are growing slowly but w.e ill deal with it but now 1 plant died of nute burn 1 dried out and died and another drowned in water so i got one more and its clearly the strongest plant but its starting to get some kind of a weird spot on it and i think its like some sort of rot but im not sure and i can c lil bits of purp and wasnt sure if this was a nute problem or rot i got one pick u can c a coffee stain kind of thing on the leaf im using hydro its been 20 days total dwc gh flora nutes trying lucas formula


Total Head

Well-Known Member
you didn't mention what your ph was. any time i have had such a stunted plant it was because of the ph, but i grow in dirt. what kind of roots does it have?


Undercover Mod
If you are a new grower I don't recommend trying to grow hydro its far more complicated than soil growing.


Well-Known Member
If you are a new grower I don't recommend trying to grow hydro its far more complicated than soil growing.
All you people saying grow in soil , its not goddamn rocket science take the plunge and do the research, do hydro. I knew NOTHING about growing anything in anyway and designed my first hydro system(see this thread, for details) of course from then on its been a money pit but the yields are nice. I started off with totes and buckets, thats really the cheapest way, I then found my environment was all fucked up(more money for fans and co2 and shit) ........actually.....go ahead, do soil.


Well-Known Member
I did hydro my first grow and I found it fairly easy. Set it and forget it. Check my signature.