Man Tries To Pay For Dinner With A Bag Of Pot- Oh That's Gonna Work!


Well-Known Member
"NIAGARA FALLS—A man ordered a take-out dinner from a Niagara Falls Boulevard diner early Saturday and tried to pay for it with a bag of marijuana, police said.
The incident occurred shortly after 2a.m. at the Denny’s restaurant, police said. The man ordered $9.91 worth of food and offered a cashier $1 and the pot in exchange for the meal. When the cashier refused the deal, the man tried to sell the pot to other customers in the restaurant, police said, before fleeing into a nearby wooded area when the cashier called police. An employee at the restaurant recognized the man and gave his name to police, who said that he lives in the area of the restaurant. He was not home when officers arrived later Saturday. An investigation is continuing."

Thanks goes out to FARK and Buffalo News

This reminds me of the days when we used to tip bartenders with valiums and joints, except without all that running into the woods nonsense :-P.

PS If you're that hungry and you're gonna try this go around back and talk to the cooks. They almost always party!