Many White Widow males . . .:(



I started about 40 seed bank seeds this year. Out of 10 W.W.'s, I've culled out 6 males already, and 2 more look like they have tiny male flowers. That leaves 2 unknowns, and one of them is a stunted little runt.

The odds of this happening seem low (intuitively and from past experience.)

This may be a stupid question but . . .Is there something about W.W. where females look like males at first? If I wasn't certain I'd have waited longer on each one before culling it out. I was very certain, but know I'm having doubts.

Other disappointments - A lot of my Chrystals died of the dreaded shriveling stem syndrome within 10 days of sprouting. Only 1 of 5 Trainwrecks (feminized) germinated and sprouted.

Between male plants and old stale seeds the seed banks appear to have gotten the best of me.

On a positive note, I have an Ice female that is 7 weeks old and 4' tall already. :)


Well-Known Member
If you second guess it give it another day. They won't puke pollen until they're very evident of male sacks. Sometimes it can be deceiving. Pics??????


I'm working on that . . . I'll try to get my son to take some and upload them. He has a nice camera and knows how to do all that. A computer I can handle - copy machines, cell phones, texting, etc - too much for me.

Thanks for the reply tho. There wasn't any real need to kill them. I still have one in the woods about 5 miles from my others (which I plan to park a few different strains/clones nearby for next years seeds)

I miscounted, I have 3 left - one has no indicators, one is a runt, and one giant (really) that has several suspicious looking balls. I'll try to get upclose pics of that one.


New Member
I'm working on that . . . I'll try to get my son to take some and upload them. He has a nice camera and knows how to do all that. A computer I can handle - copy machines, cell phones, texting, etc - too much for me.

Thanks for the reply tho. There wasn't any real need to kill them. I still have one in the woods about 5 miles from my others (which I plan to park a few different strains/clones nearby for next years seeds)

I miscounted, I have 3 left - one has no indicators, one is a runt, and one giant (really) that has several suspicious looking balls. I'll try to get upclose pics of that one.
Hi, are you letting your water sit for abit like 24hrs before use, or does you plants get a cold draft (a chill ) here is a link from a guy on this very site i kept it as he was full of top info even for the experienced.
worth a read ok.


Well-Known Member
The odds of this happening seem low (intuitively and from past experience.)
not if you have crap for conditions.. if its too hot, if there is stress, if you are running 24 hours of straight light.. feeding too much N.. not enough humidity.. all of those factors greatly increase the chances of a male.. if you can check off a bunch of those things above, don't be surprised at the large turn out of males..
it obviously could just be bad luck too.. just wanted to post the conditions that are prone to make males..


Thanks - I wondered about the heat/humidity thing. The last 2 - 3 weeks we've had no rain, high humidity, and temps have been running around 100F.

However . . . My location gets a steady breeze and partial shade. It doesn't feel like 100, more like 90. As for "stress", the plants look great. They are a little stretchy looking, but beautiful in all other respects. I take very good care of them. I also have about 30 commercial mex plants (for the peeps that don't want the kind bud.) Most of them look good too. Well, I'll follow that link provided. I seem to remember hearing that when you start in spring while daylight hours are still increasing, more males can result. The writer made the point that it's better to wait until 6/1 or so before starting seeds. I didn't really believe it . . .hmmm

Oh I should have mentioned, these are all outdoors, and I can't do much about climate control.

BTW - My Ice plants practically exploded out of the ground - very rapid growing. The WW did too, LOL


New Member
It could well be down right bad luck, i knew a swedish boy one time and a real cool grower, he was never out the dam, he always grew 7 plants at a time, and one time they all turned out male, never happend before that and never happend again, maybe its all in Karma lol, shit happens nothing is 100%.


Heheh they're coming (the pics). Today I got my "Mistic Cloner" from Stealth Hydro. It looks to me like the coolest thing since sliced bread. The ultrasonic mister fills the tub with a spooky fog. It even has a red light. It's so hot here that my clone growth has been protracted. Hopefuly this will help. A big Chrystal revealed herself yesterday so I'll have a few pics to post.