Maple leaf weed?


Well-Known Member
Alright, so i recently got some really old seeds my friend found in his basement, I tried to germ 10 seeds and only one actually grew (after a two weeks in the cup) I ended up having to pry off the seed casing with tweezers when it stayed on for another 2-3 weeks. the plant is now healthy and growing.. the thing is that the stem is purple and the leaves are shiny and look like some sort of maple leaf? very strange... I know it was a weed seed but the plant just doesn't look like it. Any suggestions?

stoned cockatoo

New Member
throw up a photo so we know it actually is weed..

if it is sounds like its deficient if its already with the purple stems?

what are you growing it in? more info would help


Well-Known Member
Sorry, by that I meant to say; I'm sorry, but you got fooled and that is not marijuana you are growing. It does look like a very healthy plant though.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
sorry to say man but that doesn't look like any weed iv seen.

tell your friend he is an idiot for assuming random seeds would be cannabis lol


Well-Known Member
They where free, and it looked like a weed seed just really old... Im assuming its some kinda weird lowryer or something... Ima let it grow and see what happens... Its alot bigger now than in the picture

Well-Known Member
Maybe aliens visited our earth to find the greatest marijuana strain to cross with their most potent variety of marijuana like plant that they have on their planet! During this process they accidently left a seed here.

My friend you might have you hands on the most potent weed in the universe. I would be angry though because then the Canadians would be yelling at the people in california saying that they have to have the better weed because alien weed looks like their flag...

Damn aliens!

Well-Known Member
Just kidding, Post some pics of what it currently looks like. I am growing lowryder and they are the link in my signature. My lowryder looks nothing like that thing.

Please post some pics of what it looks like currently,


Well-Known Member
Alright man ive got to get out to see it cuz im not currently taking care of it, ill get more pics soon, atm its about 5-6 inches tall and pretty bushy with leaves... Once again i remind you that it definatly was a weed seed just a really old one :p


Well-Known Member
Im just going to let it grow and see what happens... If it turns out to be cannabis ima name the strain E.T cuz the aliens dropped it off lmao