Marijuana Growers Guide by Mel Frank.


Active Member
AHA! now i have you, you have to do as i say!
everybody MUST +rep me.
For every 1 person who doesn't, im going to kill 1 kitten!

lol not really, im not THAT evil.

This thread is really about a book, a book so cool i had to share it with you guys/girls.

I was given a copy by a close friend two months ago, I have just finished reading the book, yes im a slow reader!
and i know LOTS more than what i did two months ago, and i though i was a know it all back then!

Anyway heres a link to the book, which i discovered using google and some common sense. Never the less heres the link:

Anyone else know any other grow books that you can read online, post some links.

Thanks ppl! wow im soo stoned right now, hey heres a tip for you, when trimming your buds, all the stuff that accumulates on the sissors you use, scrape it off and it builds up, dry it out n smoke it baby!!! Hey im high as... errr whatever is the highest thing you can think of (and not yourselves!)

(Edit* by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal)

Never be mean, smoke some green! :lol: