Marijuana Meetup: Teapot Party Invitation

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
The Teapot Party is launching a Meetup Everywhere community and encouraging nationwide gatherings on 12/15/10 and 1/18/11 Teapot Party announces first nationwide event

The recent arrest of music legend Willie Nelson for marijuana possession by the US Border Patrol in Texas has sparked a new national political effort called The Teapot Party.
Rather than stay quiet about the 11/26/2010 bust, Willie sent an email to Steve Bloom of “Let’s start a new party. There is the Tea Party. How about the Teapot Party? Our motto: ‘We lean a little to the left.’ Tax it, regulate it, legalize it. And stop the border wars over drugs. Why should the drug lords make all the money? Thousands of lives will be saved.”
With Willie’s blessing, a page for Willie Nelson’s Teapot Party was created at Facebook. Tens of thousands of people have stopped by to voice their enthusiastic support for our core position: It’s time to end the war on marijuana smokers.
Over 35, 000 people joined the Facebook group in just one week. Teapot Party groups have already formed in all 50 states and some international chapters are developing.
The administrators of the Teapot Party Facebook page are now using the free and open internet platform Meetup Everywhere as their main organizing tool.

Full article here


Active Member
I’ll join!

Most people in the US agree with legalizing, taxing and regulating it like alcohol. To prove my point, Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity (I forget which show I saw it on) had a poll on legalizing MJ a few months ago and they didn’t get even 1 negative vote. Astounding results. S