Marijuana roots


A friend of mine insists that the roots of the marijuana plant have thc in them in large amounts and that if you harvest a whole marijuana plant and hang it upside down to dry that the weed will be better. He also says that if you smoke dried marijuana roots they will get you high. I used to grow marijuana and have smoked a lot, but i have never heard of this. Have I been living under a rock?


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that THC (and other cannabanoids) are produced by the plant on the form of trichomes. I'm pretty sure that roots, stems and fan leaves contain little to no psychoactive compounds.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine insists that the roots of the marijuana plant have thc in them in large amounts and that if you harvest a whole marijuana plant and hang it upside down to dry the weed will be better. He also says that if you smoke dried marijuana roots they will get you high. I used to grow marijuana and have smoked a lot, but i have never heard of this. Have I been living under a rock?
If you put a plastic bag over your head and breathe real fast you'll get a buzz from that too, I wouldn't suggest doing it.
Next people are gonna try puttin nails threw the stalk or planting on top of a dead fish to increase thc.


Well-Known Member
I was reading an article the other day about how the roots have cbd... didn't read the whole thing and ended up loosing it anyway but I'd just compost the roots. Let the worms catch a buzz if there is.