MARIJUANA!! The Truth! with Steven Crowder (see if you can stomach the douchebaggery)


Well-Known Member
Yeah he is a fuckin douchebag,the whole time he was talking,I was looking at the smiley bumping it's head against the wall under the video,I hate his face.


Well-Known Member
You know he's an ignorant doofus the second he calls it 'pot'. Informed people don't normally refer to it as 'pot' in my experience


Well-Known Member
I don't like the term pot or weed. I stick to cannabis. Or bud among friends, as it's literally a flower bud. I don't even get the term pot, where does it come from?


Well-Known Member
I don't like the term pot or weed. I stick to cannabis. Or bud among friends, as it's literally a flower bud. I don't even get the term pot, where does it come from?
Found this.
The word "potaguaya or "potiguaya" is an apparent contraction of "potacion de guaya", which literally translates into "guaya's potion". This potion is made with wine or brandy in which marijuana buds have been steeped.

It is assumed that the word "guaya" in this explanation implies "marijuana".


Well-Known Member
I call it dope because it makes me feel stupid.

Fuck, Regan was right.

I should have been part of the generation that didn't need a crutch. Damn, Id like to have that one back.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You know he's an ignorant doofus the second he calls it 'pot'. Informed people don't normally refer to it as 'pot' in my experience
He calls it pot because he knows the negative connotations that are associated with that word. It is deliberate and calculated. After all, potheads are lazy, shiftless, drug addicts with no jobs or prospects. They are a detriment to the U.S. economy. THINK OF THE CHILDREN! I've noticed on most networks they refer to it as pot and treat it with the professionalism of a third grader telling a fart joke. THINK OF THE CHILDREN! We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg that's coming. Pot legalization is going to be the next rallying cry of the GOP. They started on gays again but it's not getting the bang for their bucks it used to. THINK OF THE CHILDREN! So gird your loins fellow pot smokers. The war on Marijuana is going to get hopped up on GOP steroids. And the main theme for this new GOP solidarity attempt?



Well-Known Member
Lol Carne the GOP need to stop attacking themselves before they can get behind any rallying cry!

I check the fox news page from time to time for shit and giggles, and today they had a poll asking whether the fed govt should crack down on WA and CO for leaglizing. Surprisingly 55% were in favor of leaving the states alone, on the fox page remember! I think that in 4 years, only more people will be pro cannabis. Looks like they need to find somthing else!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Lol Carne the GOP need to stop attacking themselves before they can get behind any rallying cry!

I check the fox news page from time to time for white and giggles, and today they had a poll asking whether the fed govt should crack down on WA and CO for leaglizing. Surprisingly 55% were in favor of leaving the states alone, on the fox page remember! I think that in 4 years, only more people will be pro cannabis.
I'm not talking about citizens. I'm talking about the GOP money machine. They need cohesion and that is going to take a common enemy. Colorado and Washington are shining beacons. It won't take long for them to focus on it and form a solid front. It's coming. Mark my words.


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about citizens. I'm talking about the GOP money machine. They need cohesion and that is going to take a common enemy. Colorado and Washington are shining beacons. It won't take long for them to focus on it and form a solid front. It's coming. Mark my words.
Oh I believe it. I just think it will be another epic fail on the GOP's part. That's an unwinnable fight I think.


Well-Known Member
I call it dope because it makes me feel stupid.

Fuck, Regan was right.

I should have been part of the generation that didn't need a crutch. Damn, Id like to have that one back.

Where I come from "dope" is heroin...


Well-Known Member
Lol Carne the GOP need to stop attacking themselves before they can get behind any rallying cry!

I check the fox news page from time to time for shit and giggles, and today they had a poll asking whether the fed govt should crack down on WA and CO for leaglizing. Surprisingly 55% were in favor of leaving the states alone, on the fox page remember! I think that in 4 years, only more people will be pro cannabis. Looks like they need to find somthing else!
It's funny how they say they want less gov't intrusion on peoples lives but want to regulate a womans body and tell me I can't smoke ganja in the privacy of my own home...


Well-Known Member
Lol Carne the GOP need to stop attacking themselves before they can get behind any rallying cry!

I check the fox news page from time to time for shit and giggles, and today they had a poll asking whether the fed govt should crack down on WA and CO for leaglizing. Surprisingly 55% were in favor of leaving the states alone, on the fox page remember! I think that in 4 years, only more people will be pro cannabis. Looks like they need to find somthing else!
Thats probably because all the stoners post it up on forums to go vote in favor of it. I dont think your average dope hater is gonna be telling his friend over at the hunting forums to head on over to fox news to kick some hippy ass in a poll.

meechz 024

Active Member
Douchebag: Should it be legal?

"uhhh, yeah....its, uh...good"

Why the fuck are these kids afraid to speak their mind? I mean, I am also a bit camera shy but that wouldn't stop me from expressing my views on marijuana in a mature manner.