Following oral administration, the median lethal dose (LD50) was 800 mg/kg in rats [3], up to 3000 mg/kg in dogs and up to 9000 mg/kg in monkeys [4]. It has been calculated that a lethal dose in a 70 kg human would be approximately 4 g [5] and thatsuch a dose could not be realistically achieved in a human following oral consumption, smoking or vaporising the substance, as9-THC has a large margin of safety [6]. The absence of mortality with 9-THC may reflect the low density of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in brainstem regions that control vital cardiovascular or respiratory functions
eating 4 grams of oil WONT KILL ANYONE
eating 4 grams of oil WONT KILL ANYONE

What Is Marinol and How It Relates to Medical Marijuana Use
What is Marinol and how is it different from regular THC? Is it legal? Cancer studies speak very much in favor of Marinol and its effects.