marinol.fake shit


Well-Known Member
Following oral administration, the median lethal dose (LD50) was 800 mg/kg in rats [3], up to 3000 mg/kg in dogs and up to 9000 mg/kg in monkeys [4]. It has been calculated that a lethal dose in a 70 kg human would be approximately 4 g [5] and thatsuch a dose could not be realistically achieved in a human following oral consumption, smoking or vaporising the substance, as9-THC has a large margin of safety [6]. The absence of mortality with 9-THC may reflect the low density of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in brainstem regions that control vital cardiovascular or respiratory functions

eating 4 grams of oil WONT KILL ANYONE

Since no one has had a lethal dose of Cannabis (not including allergic reactions), they can only speculate. Most accredited science puts the LD50 of Cannabis in humans at around 1300 lbs consumed in 15 mins. Google it!
So even the highly purified factory produced marinol has an LD50 of 9 gm/kg in monkeys. That’s a lot, but cannabis does not really have an LD50 at all. Unless perhaps you took a dump truck load from above. Now I’d question why their numbers for humans are so different (4gm/70kg).
Following oral administration, the median lethal dose (LD50) was 800 mg/kg in rats [3], up to 3000 mg/kg in dogs and up to 9000 mg/kg in monkeys [4]. It has been calculated that a lethal dose in a 70 kg human would be approximately 4 g [5] and thatsuch a dose could not be realistically achieved in a human following oral consumption, smoking or vaporising the substance, as9-THC has a large margin of safety [6]. The absence of mortality with 9-THC may reflect the low density of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in brainstem regions that control vital cardiovascular or respiratory functions

eating 4 grams of oil WONT KILL ANYONE

I have a friend of mine have a prescription for This And to be honest 5 mg is garbage I have taken 6 sometimes 8 at the time then you get the head high the head rush and then you get super hungry it does give you a buzz like you smoke but you got to take a lot of them And a headache it gives you a crazy headache the day after like a hangover
this shit ONLY makes you get the friggin MUNCHIES :lol:>:(:cuss::wall:
there's NO friggin high with this shit and if there is
ITS SHIT lol just sayin
this shit ONLY makes you get the friggin MUNCHIES :lol:>:(:cuss::wall:
there's NO friggin high with this shit and if there is
ITS SHIT lol just sayin
If you take 30 mg six little balls because they look like rabbit Doodoo I can guarantee you you gonna feel high and it all depends your tolerance And yes it gives you crazy munchies that’s the main reason its prescribe it to cancer patients you’d be surprised amount of food you can eat in 30 seconds
So even the highly purified factory produced marinol has an LD50 of 9 gm/kg in monkeys. That’s a lot, but cannabis does not really have an LD50 at all. Unless perhaps you took a dump truck load from above. Now I’d question why their numbers for humans are so different (4gm/70kg).
monkeys have hotter livers