marital bliss


Well-Known Member
I really should get married soon, I think my mom thinks I am a hermie.

so you crazy love birds what's it like being married - reach down within yourself come on pull it out - post.

though some might say ignorance is bliss?



Active Member
U trade in sex with anyone u want for sex whenever u want. If its real love its amazing though. You will know if its real love.


Active Member
MrFrance:7521771 said:
U trade in sex with anyone u want for sex whenever u want. If its real love its amazing though. You will know if its real love.
bro for real are you married? you're expecting a child soon too right?
I just got married. And she already had the kid.

Its great because we both love to do the same things.

The cap

Well-Known Member
It truly can be great... Buuutttt..... You do lose all the (some) freedom.. I mean that from a going out party time single guy type..
To a VERY happily married man, but I do miss some of my more crazy days, and if I do them now I have to answer to someone.. hahahahaha...
But she still doesn't mind too much though, that's why I married her..!!


Well-Known Member
I miss the partnership, I would again problem is my gf of five years is dead set against it. 100 percent against it so I am kind of stuck.


Well-Known Member
I miss the partnership, I would again problem is my gf of five years is dead set against it. 100 percent against it so I am kind of stuck.
wow, i mean no harm here bro and sounds like she wears the trousers, don't think i would handle that very well. Love's crazy man


Well-Known Member
I really should get married soon, I think my mom thinks I am a hermie.

so you crazy love birds what's it like being married - reach down within yourself come on pull it out - post.

though some might say ignorance is bliss?

Just make sure you and your potential wife do not vastly differ in personal ideologies including religion or lack thereof. Make sure you both know about how many kids you want, if any. Make sure you agree with how you would raise them, the values you teach them, etc, etc...

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
being married is hell man, in my experience. if you are one of the ones who are all happy and growing together and all that lovey dovey shit, then cool, more power to you and im happy for you. ive done it twice, both times were hell. no more for me, i would not put another girl thru shit again. from those experiences i learned i like having my own priorities that i dont have to run by someone else, i do not like the feeling of someone putting reigns over me, and i hate having to explain every single reason for me doing whatever i have done, etc, etc....


Well-Known Member
the 3 rings
first comes the engagement ring
second comes the wedding ring
then comes the suffering's all good if you and her work @ it.


Well-Known Member
the 3 rings
first comes the engagement ring
second comes the wedding ring
then comes the suffering's all good if you and her work @ it.
ah you watched 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here' too. looking forward to the next season myself.


Well-Known Member
I'ts great always having:

  • somebody to roll for
  • somebody to finish off your bowl
  • somebody to finish the edibles
  • and finally somebody to say "Were out of weed allready!"
