Mars hydro 2000w

use 4 ratchet hangers instead of 2 hook them to the spots you have the wire cables and youll gain more head room, do a quick search that light is known for shocking people use at your own risk
I only use the hooks and chains as them ratchets have been known to fail the chains and hooks are something most ppl have in the house .
Depends if he wanted to spend 20 quid on ratchets or £4 on chain and hooks . Just my opinion
I only use the hooks and chains as them ratchets have been known to fail the chains and hooks are something most ppl have in the house .
Depends if he wanted to spend 20 quid on ratchets or £4 on chain and hooks . Just my opinion
I use the ratchets but i always tie a knot so the cant fail, never had one fail but i always like to be safe rather than sorry
Get a wire coat hanger or some 10ga solid core wire. Cut to size, bend and shape hook or hooks to the desired length between yo yo's and the fixture. You can easily gain 12" of hanging height. Hope this helps.
Bit difficult get picture at moment,the wire length is about 45cm x 4 each corner of light loop at end,Iv more or less got the 4 loops right next too bar,