Mars Hydro Promotion


Well-Known Member
Hello Guys, Mars Hydro quite thanks for your guys's support. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, lots of people's life are changing.
Hope you and your loved ones are well every day. :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :leaf::leaf:

There are some suggestions for you to take care of your health and protect others:

-Wear a mask when you go outside
-Wash your hands frequently.
-Keep social distance(1m-3m).
-Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth by un-washed hands.
-Pls kindly stay away from people who are in or have recently visited (past 14 days) areas where COVID-19 is spreading.
-Stay at home as much as possible.

We hope we can go through this together and beat the virus, Everyone will stay safe and sound.

As a leds grow light manufacturer, Mars Hydro still want to bring you surprise and enjoyment at this tough period, so we hold promotion for the UK and EU buyers.
buy below item to get a smell proof bag or yoyo as the free gift. the quantity is limited. visit the store for all eligible items.
hope you can get them before they are gone.:leaf::hug::)

Click the link for the details.
1) Mars Hydro TS series
Mars Hydro TS 3000
Mars Hydro TSW 2000 set
Mars Hydro TSL 2000 set
Mars Hydro TSL 2000
Mars hydro ts 3000 with grow tent 150x150x200cm
Mars Hydro TSL 2000 with grow tent 120x60x180cm
2) Mars Hydro Grow tent
grow tent 120X60X180
grow tent 150X150X200

All have a blessed time

TSL 2000set+120x60x180cm tent


TS 3000+150x150x200cm
These “Flash Sales” are a complete joke. Before the Covid19 the regular price for a TS1000 was $130. Now the “Flash Sale” price is $170. Why the 30% increase in price? It’s a shame since I was going to buy one to compare to my SF1000. I’ll stick with Spider Farmer since it has higher quality components for the same price.
These “Flash Sales” are a complete joke. Before the Covid19 the regular price for a TS1000 was $130. Now the “Flash Sale” price is $170. Why the 30% increase in price? It’s a shame since I was going to buy one to compare to my SF1000. I’ll stick with Spider Farmer since it has higher quality components for the same price.
Hate to burst your bubble but that's made by the same company.
I bought the TS 3000 hoping that it wouldn't get as hot as hps or mh guess what wrong. The drivers run about 140 to 150 so I took them off of light and moved outside thinking that would help lower the temps wrong. I have a room built in a outbuilding no heat or air but when outside temps are 55 inside temps shouldn't be 95 to 100 and this is with 3 -10 inch fans running on high and a 4 inch inline pulling cool air from under the building and a 4 inch pulling from the top of the room. This has been the worst money I ever spent on anything very disappointed with this light as it has fried half my grow and now starting over.
These “Flash Sales” are a complete joke. Before the Covid19 the regular price for a TS1000 was $130. Now the “Flash Sale” price is $170. Why the 30% increase in price? It’s a shame since I was going to buy one to compare to my SF1000. I’ll stick with Spider Farmer since it has higher quality components for the same price.

Due to the impact of the COIVD-19 outbreak. all the cost of the shipping way(UPS, DHL, Fedex, etc ), air freight ,etc have gone up. It is already out of our control. we also don't want this thing happen, we already try our best to control the price which we can control. if you check our store, you check the above promotion link, you can find that the price of them haven't gone up. hope we could do some help for your guys and hope the COIVD-19 go away soon. and hope everything will come back to normal soon. :leaf: :weed: :hug:
I bought the TS 3000 hoping that it wouldn't get as hot as hps or mh guess what wrong. The drivers run about 140 to 150 so I took them off of light and moved outside thinking that would help lower the temps wrong. I have a room built in a outbuilding no heat or air but when outside temps are 55 inside temps shouldn't be 95 to 100 and this is with 3 -10 inch fans running on high and a 4 inch inline pulling cool air from under the building and a 4 inch pulling from the top of the room. This has been the worst money I ever spent on anything very disappointed with this light as it has fried half my grow and now starting over.
Dear Friend, other factor will also affect its grow result.
Here are some recommended lighting tips that may be helpful:

1) Seeding Stage: Distance between light and plant:24"---on/off time :18/6 or 20/4
2) Germination Stage: Distance between light and plant: 24"-30"-- on/off time :18/6 or 20/4
3) Vegetable Stage: Distance between light and plant: 18"-24",-- on/off time : 18/6 or 20/4
4) Flower Stage: Distance between light and plant: 12"-18",-- on/off time :12/12

Recommended Growing Conditions:
1)PH Value: 6.0~6.5 in soil; 5.7~6.0 in hydro/DWC. More cal/mag and water+nutrient less
2)The rate of photosynthesis and transpiration are directly affected by temperature, humidity and airflow. The recommend perfect temperature and humidity for your plants are found between 75°-85°F and 50% - 70% humidity, with plenty of airflow to replenish CO2.

The information above are summed up based on the data which given by buyer actually planting.

Keep appropriate distance of the light from the top of plants according to your real planting condition. If too close, might cause the plant leaf burn.
Using tips from our customers:
More calcium and magnesium, and with ordinary clay would be better.

Kind Reminder:
1)Maintain stable voltage to avoid any damage to the light fixture.
2)Do not immerse light fixture in water as it's not waterproof.

Hope the above information is good for you to get a happier harvest.
Any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are here for you.
I can hang this light 8 feet in the air and still is going over 90 on a 75 degree day. Very piss poor direction on how to turn the light down it has been turned down and still is pushing 90. You recommend raising light check still hot. turn it down check still hot. Was going to build another room and buy another but not now this light will probably go in the trash and ill eat the $450 plus.
All the bullshit you posted above is just standard grow direction that any dumbass should know buyer beware this light is very hot and why would I pay top dollar for the greatest light on earth and then have to dim it to try and get temps down Why because I bought into the hype that why but not any more.
Recommended Growing Conditions:
1)PH Value: 6.0~6.5 in soil; 5.7~6.0 in hydro/DWC. More cal/mag and water+nutrient less
2)The rate of photosynthesis and transpiration are directly affected by temperature, humidity and airflow. The recommend perfect temperature and humidity for your plants are found between 75°-85°F and 50% - 70% humidity, with plenty of airflow to replenish CO2. SO 100 DEGREES IS OUT OF THE QUESTION EVEN TURNED DOWN AND 6 FEET IN THE AIR ? and 3 10 inch fans moving air with a 4 inch bringing air in and a 4 inch pushing out.
Recommended Growing Conditions:
1)PH Value: 6.0~6.5 in soil; 5.7~6.0 in hydro/DWC. More cal/mag and water+nutrient less
2)The rate of photosynthesis and transpiration are directly affected by temperature, humidity and airflow. The recommend perfect temperature and humidity for your plants are found between 75°-85°F and 50% - 70% humidity, with plenty of airflow to replenish CO2. SO 100 DEGREES IS OUT OF THE QUESTION EVEN TURNED DOWN AND 6 FEET IN THE AIR ? and 3 10 inch fans moving air with a 4 inch bringing air in and a 4 inch pushing out.
Your problem is that you're using a 4" fan for exhaust, which is really only adequate for a small light in a 2x2 space under the best of circumstances. Not the light manufacturer's fault that you don't have a clue what you're doing.
Your problem is that you're using a 4" fan for exhaust, which is really only adequate for a small light in a 2x2 space under the best of circumstances. Not the light manufacturer's fault that you don't have a clue what you're doing.
4 inch fan in and out plus 3 10 inch fans blowing air directly on the light and propping the door open and still pushing 85 on a 75 degree day
4 inch fan in and out plus 3 10 inch fans blowing air directly on the light and propping the door open and still pushing 85 on a 75 degree day
Yeah that's a terrible setup. Doesn't matter how much air you move around in the room if your exhaust is not powerful enough to create negative pressure in the room. All you're ever going to do until you fix that is keep building up hot air and blowing it around. With that light, you need a good quality 8" fan for exhaust. The other stuff is fine, but without adequate exhaust there's nowhere for all that hot air to go.
4 inch fan in and out plus 3 10 inch fans blowing air directly on the light and propping the door open and still pushing 85 on a 75 degree day
In the VERY short term, I would suggest temporarily moving your intake fan and making it an additional exhaust and just letting the intake be passive in order to slow down the amount of air you're forcing into the room and speed up the exhaust, BUT keep in mind that 2 4inch fans together are still only capable of moving about 1/4 to 1/3 the air that an 8" will.
It would be better than what you're doing but probably not adequate. Exhaust fans are one area where you don't want to cut corners, as they can make or break your entire grow. Depending on where you live, I would imagine your humidity levels are outrageous as well.