Mars Hydro TS 1000, the best budget LED available today?

If you just want to buy a simple solution for 2x2 then this is a great option. Well, without specs of the diodes and how hard they are run its hard to say. I bet they run pretty hard and one can expect failures after/within a year. It all depends on your goals, level of autism and location. Europeans don't have to pay their europe tax on these (edit: for instance HLG is much more expensive there I believe). South america and india can get them. If your goal is to grow some weed in a 2x2 this is perfect. Why not. If you are known locally as Mr Aspergers, you can look into other lights with better efficacy and form factors. my DIY is $0.56 per watt, could be built for cheaper on cardboard or PVC, and will destroy cheap commercial fixtures.

best not to overthink it. In 2019, it's getting hard to go wrong with grow lights, unless you are severely uninformed or absurdly frugal.
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Which light would recommend?
I recently went through this exact choice. I spent a fair few hours over a couple weeks comparing my options, and eventually went with the bava quantum board off of amazon. It's a lot like the mars ts 1000, and I will say I almost went with it as well. Then I started thinking about it and researching it and basically the bava qb comes with a heatsink and meanwell driver, plus it also claims top bin LEDs (I cant prove it but they claim it) the mars light has a (pointless imo) reflector and no heatsink, and dont list the diodes, I cant remember right now but I'm pretty sure it's not a meanwell driver, and a cheapish feel to it.

Since having my bava qb I've been nothing but impressed and happy, I'm trying to decide right now if I want more and how many to replace my de gavita 1kw fixtures.
My main hangups is I dont want to run more watts and my gavitas still have a lot of life in them being only a year old and their bulbs lasting 2 years, so I may wait a year and see if the tech keeps improving at the rate it is before I replace the rest but who knows, maybe 6 months from now I'll be replacing 2kw hps with around 1500 led