Massachusetts question 4


Well-Known Member
anyone wanna shed some light this. If Massachusetts q. 4 passes which I think it will( knock on wood) will we be able to grow up to six plants in a backyard garden? Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
anyone wanna shed some light this. If Massachusetts q. 4 passes which I think it will( knock on wood) will we be able to grow up to six plants in a backyard garden? Thanks guys.

Sounds like IN the house. That's another one of those wording things....might have to be clarified.

The proposed law would authorize persons at least 21 years old to possess up to one ounce of marijuana outside of their residences; possess up to ten ounces of marijuana inside their residences; grow up to six marijuana plants in their residences; give one ounce or less of marijuana to a person at least 21 years old without payment; possess, produce or transfer hemp; or make or transfer items related to marijuana use, storage, cultivation, or processing.


I live in MA and made a comment in the legalization thread with a commercial that started to run on tv to vote yes on 4. I loved seeing that.

Sadly the reality is the MA government is making a HUGE fight to keep it from passing. Our lawmakers, Charlie Baker, and Marty Walsh tried to get the measure taken off the ballot but the supreme court overruled as it's 100% constitutionally done. We already have choppers flying everywhere and plants being siezed. But the seizures that make the papers are from elderly residents in their 70s and 80s. I saw the Boston Globe yesterday an 81 year old woman had her plant confiscated. Before that an old man on Martha's vineyard.

I think they want to limit it to indoors for plants. Sadly this has a 50/50 shot at best to pass. I am hoping people get out and vote and pass this. The state/media here has done a good job printing lies and scare tactics and to get people who would normally have voted yes to question and even reverse their stance. I'm praying this passes. Been following it for over a year very closely. What drives me nuts is it's everywhere and the only state they use to compare to is Colorado...funny how their horror stories don't include the other legal states just Colorado which has a different "culture" or way of life than up here in MA. The sky hasn't fallen but with all their negative ads and stories they make it sound like it will