Massive Federal Crackdown On L.A.County Pot Shops!


Well-Known Member
"Even as the City of Los Angeles prepares to slash the number of medical marijuana dispensaries in its jurisdiction the Feds are making serious moves of their own."

"But with LA’s recently-passed Measure D set to weed out all but roughly 40 to 50 of more than a thousand dispensaries, will those remaining be easier targets for federal authorities?"

The Feds hit over 100 pot shops just yesterday.
What are your thoughts on yesterdays massive crackdown by
the Feds in L.A.?



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
"Even as the City of Los Angeles prepares to slash the number of medical marijuana dispensaries in its jurisdiction the Feds are making serious moves of their own."

"But with LA’s recently-passed Measure D set to weed out all but roughly 40 to 50 of more than a thousand dispensaries, will those remaining be easier targets for federal authorities?"

The Feds hit over 100 pot shops just yesterday.
What are your thoughts on yesterdays massive crackdown by
the Feds in L.A.?
My take is big pharma is about ready with their Cannabis solution. Therefore they are unleashing the dogs of war to roll us all so they just saunter in and win.

I HOPE I'm wrong. Based on Sativex trials I figured this for first or second quarter this year, sigh. Looks like they may be a bit behind the power curve.


Well-Known Member
I don't think pharma is pre-emptively securing a corner on a market where people are not gonna have enthusiasm for a singularity. The culture, ritual, and market diversity are not gonna fly as I see it. If anything, real medicines that grow outside with little care or investment probably scare the shit out of them. This has happened before and will be appealled. This is the annual presence the feds make to keep the pendulum swinging.


Well-Known Member
most deff. on the feds making a showing in the "war on drugs" they will be doing this all year round just to show face. it sucks and sure it will fuck up some business but as 100 are being busted 100 more are opening so its a like burgrtime said just the circle of the "war on drugs" never going to stop until its federally legal ...


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess all other drug crime has been solved and now they have time on their hands so... No, this is low hanging fruit where all you do is go on line and take down the names and addresses of said dispensaries from Weed maps. These lazy fucking Drug Employment cocksuckers are not Americans.


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Staff member
I don't think pharma is pre-emptively securing a corner on a market where people are not gonna have enthusiasm for a singularity. The culture, ritual, and market diversity are not gonna fly as I see it. If anything, real medicines that grow outside with little care or investment probably scare the shit out of them. This has happened before and will be appealled. This is the annual presence the feds make to keep the pendulum swinging.
You haven't read the history of the Opium wars of the 1930's, same difference. It seems we are repeating ourselves... then read about the Vollstead act etc.... this is classic.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I don't think pharma is pre-emptively securing a corner on a market where people are not gonna have enthusiasm for a singularity. The culture, ritual, and market diversity are not gonna fly as I see it. If anything, real medicines that grow outside with little care or investment probably scare the shit out of them. This has happened before and will be appealled. This is the annual presence the feds make to keep the pendulum swinging.

C2G is right imo. It is only a matter of time before big pharma controls mmj.

The wheels are already in motion. The worst part is everyone who is now a registered caregiver will be easy targets.
I think we should have war crimes trials, for all the assholes, that have tried to stop cannabis... Just for all the people that have unnecessarily died from cancer that could have easly been prevented if grass was legal...


Well-Known Member
I agree with that about the Feds making a show of force. I think they will do selected raids on "recreational" stores in Washington and Colorado as they start opening up. I think they will do this because they know that the political eyes of other states will be watching and state legalization effort grows larger every month all over the nation. The Feds will go with the old chilling effect as they have done over and over again. At best, the Feds can only hope to slow down legalization. They will never have the manpower or resources to start going after personal use growers.

I think the Feds are jumping early on MMJ dispensaries to scare would-be investors and owners of the soon-to-be "recreational" stores. They can slow it down, but they will never stop it. More states are passing MMJ bills and that in itself strengthens the recreational legalization movement.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
C2G is right imo. It is only a matter of time before big pharma controls mmj.

The wheels are already in motion. The worst part is everyone who is now a registered caregiver will be easy targets.
Yes that's the very scary part. I hope I"m wrong but it sure seems to be following the old scripts.


Well-Known Member
Yes that's the very scary part. I hope I"m wrong but it sure seems to be following the old scripts. Thanks, Annie
Haven't you heard of Marinol? It's a pharmaceudical thc pill....I have my money on R.J. Reynolds. Either way, the connisseurs won't be into that shit. It will turn into a situation like wine. Boutique Chronic and Camel Green.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
It will be a federal ballot issue that will pass. Pot will be legal without a script in the US in 10-15 years I bet.

I dunno bout this.

I highly doubt it.

See what I did there:joint:

There is way to much money at stake for anything to happen too fast.

It will won't be federally legalized for recreational use until the right ppl. are positioned to get very wealthy.

I could be wrong but I would bet not.

You have to remember keeping pot illegal IS an industry. There is infrastructure and lots of jobs federally right down to the local and private levels.

There is a lot of opposition to full on legalization.

For fucks sake less than half of the states have made it legal for medical use.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Haven't you heard of Marinol? It's a pharmaceudical thc pill....I have my money on R.J. Reynolds. Either way, the connisseurs won't be into that shit. It will turn into a situation like wine. Boutique Chronic and Camel Green.
Of course I've heard of Marinol. LOL I have actually carried a script for Marinol for quite some time now. It does wonders for my nausea. Really great gem for that.

What you don't seem to understand about Marinol is it's a schedule III SYNTHETIC! It is also not a full formula. It's what big pharma THOUGHT would kill Pot just like they thought the single Morphine won the opium war with a little help from law enforcement. If you actually knew about Marinol you would realize how inadequate it is.

That's why Sativex is so interesting. It is derived from the plant and has everything we 'smoke'. That's why my alarm bells are going off. I know all about Marinol's inadequacy. I think they are just about ready. Let's hope they can't get all their ducks in row and we have come to far. But you know I sort of doubt it.

Especially if you read what Joe says. With our economy almost completely failing you really think they would gut the Prison and Social Service infrastructures. I doubt that.


Well-Known Member
The US Government stands to gain incredible tax revenue that is currently lost where it remains illegal as well as the dispensaries are cash businesses' without tax designated beyond sales tax like alcohol and tobacco do. I think the feds are the ones in favor of legalization especially in harder economic times. Look at all the states who allow medical use pop up in recent years. It is already pretty unrestricted in Colorado and in 15 years the most conservative and predictable members of the voter pool (Seniors) will be more progressive as having witnessed this casual attitute become validated by the lack of danger and risk that are currently still part of the public view on the issue. The young voter will be highly unlikely to vote against legalization by then. We cannot help the huge shift away from the BS we were fed. 1/2 the states have made it legal medically, I see this as progress. 15 years is far off. The industry that benefits is not the hacks keeping it illegal compared to the industries that benefits from legalization, regulation, and taxation. Don't forget the insane amount of consumer products that hemp can make as well. Bottom line the momentum is moving in the direction of legalization, I say within 15 years as just a guess. The voters will be the decision makers.


Well-Known Member
You have a good point but do you want Sativex or some nice flowers to puff on? I do not believe the pill will win over the consumers, I wouldn't pop pills over smoking despite the legal issues. When the variety of strains and potencies is what is the medical user has more chance of selecting strain that suits the disorder. Prisons and pharm lobbies are 2 of the toughest, but in my state nobody is going to prison for medical is a fine. The drugs that are filling up prisons are Meth, and pharmaceudical opiates, the criminality associated with such addictive and destructive substances is way higher and consequences are greater. I really believe that corruption is pervasive in these areas and if conspiracy is the real reason for it remaining illegal than I am just an optimist who should have been more cynical. It is impossible to know for sure but imprisonment for MJ, even in large amounts, looks increasingly ridiculous and is not appropriate for such a benign substance. Meth on the flipside carries mandatory sentencing that nobody is fighting against. We can only wait to see but the ball will conitnue to roll forward over time. Politics have to address these hot isssues, regardless of lobbying they usually have to be democratically elected right? Would you vote for somebody that supported prohibition and incarceration for MJ? I think that ship has sailed.


Well-Known Member
Haven't you heard of Marinol? It's a pharmaceudical thc pill....I have my money on R.J. Reynolds. Either way, the connisseurs won't be into that shit. It will turn into a situation like wine. Boutique Chronic and Camel Green.
You should look a little more closely at drug war history and then realize you are being awfully optimistic. I sincerely hope you are correct, but I don't think you are even in the ball park.

The reality is the average American does not give a shit really one way or the other. They look at us like Hollywood portrays us, so it's easy to just turn a blind eye to the brutal injustices we all routinely face. We are dehumanized constantly. This war is only heating up and the powers that be never want to see marijuana legal without excessive control over it (at best) or at all (more likely).

More likely this war turns a lot hotter than it is already before this plant is ever legal.