Matanuska Thunder Fuck. Done or no? Trich pics.


Well-Known Member
No way to tell from that pic.

They are in the home stretch for sure, but it's impossible to see the trichs in that pic.

Still have a few white pistils hanging around. Maybe another week or two to fully ripen off depending on how much amber you like.


Well-Known Member
Like the yokel said, impossible to tell by trich picture, and he is right on, whatever you preference is from here. It looks pretty close to me.


Well-Known Member
are the trics amber? Thunderfuck is an early amber strain, you should be seein lots of amber in week 7


Active Member
Give em a week. You could flush for that week if you so feel like it and give her 2 days of dark to get herself together before you cut her up. (If you choose to implement these methods) another method I like to do, I let em dry out for a week to 10 days before harvest.

Looks good man, im lookin forward to a smoke report? :clap:


Ha, thanks guys. Jewler's loupe + iPhone has its limitations. No amber yet. Basically sitting at completly milky everywhere on the plant. I think I'm going to water one more time tonight and then aim for sometime between now and Sunday to harvest. I also clipped a couple sampler buds on Monday that are drying, can't wait to try those out.


From the little research I've been able to gather thus far (this strain is more elusive than Bigfoot), it seems 56-60 days is the general consensus. Maybe I'll make I'll get to the 8 week mark and reevaluate.

Here's another attempt at a trichome shot.

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