Maturation Problems


Active Member
not enough humidity in your terrarium, Did you dunk your cakes before birthing, they may be dried out.


and by the way asdf. its a casing in bowl like container. i was afraid the humidity was to high. is it ok to keep the same humidity through out? it think i may be having problem with FAE...


Well-Known Member
I would say fae also buddy..... humidity should be 95% or higher. but i think fae is the most likely culprit, be alot easier to tell you if you had pics of entire set up.


will be getting picks on as soon as i uncover my other casing. it's a terrarium setup. no bulk. small casing trays just as testers. Then i plan to go bulk. but as of now i got mini mushrooms:)

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Sorry I couldn't resist, the joke was there and just asking for it.

Its most likely FAE, just like you thought. I found it really hard to keep up the 6 cycles/hour while keeping the humidity at 95%<.

I got some mini-shrooms my first go as well, but mine was due to over humidity. Almost just water.