Mature plants, week into flowering no sex. (pic)


Hey guys,

I know "patience is a virtue" but patience also leads to enormous plants that take over my house. The largest plant is a sativa, and I topped it once a long time ago (during veg) to help slow it down so the other plants would be the same height. Well they are all the same height and filling up my box like a jungle. I turned out the lights for 36 hours then went to 12/12 and topped them again since they are growing INSANELY fast. After 5 days I started 10/14 to try to get them to sex. It has been a few more days and still no sign. They have alternating nodes.

My real question now is: how can I slow their vertical so I won't run out of room? They grow about an inch a day (or more!) and I only have about 18 inches of room left. Is it too late to SCoG? Should I tie them all back?

I noticed they are showing little bud sites at the nodes, but they have just been turning into more leaves, its like the plants want to build the amazon in my closet and produce no flowers. I also have an indica that does not alternate nodes but has an extremely thick stalk and no flowers either.

Any tips guys? Should I top them again? Should I prune some branches at the base??



Active Member
10/14 wont help you see plant sex . stick to 12/12. i wouldn't top them, if you top you need at least a week of 18/6 for plant to recover from the shock. you can try to tie them back. slowly wait till your soil is dry, then tie them down, then water. water give the steams stiffness.Good Luck Happy Growing


Can I do a screen of green? Or is that only during veg? Also, tying them down is hard in such a small space, I'm almost tempted to enlarge the box a bit and maybe move the whole thing forward to get more vertical room.

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
making the box bigger is probably your best bet right now, if you don't want to stress em. They will slow their roll in a week or two. keep the lights. try pinching the stems towards the tops, not so hard it breaks, but enough that you feel a soft snap. The plant will focus on repairing the stem instead of getting taller, and then afterwards it improves nutrient transport for the buds


Well-Known Member
you can try a scrog right now if your good for another foot of vert growth.just start sending them down through the screen.