Maximize this scenario


I've got a couple of random questions I've had trouble pinning down answers for so I'd like to hear your opinions on any of these if you don't mind:

1. How many cfl watts would you need to optimally veg. 6 plants? (given a 400w hps flowering room)

2. Would a plant vegged for 3 months have a significant amount of difference from a plant vegged for 2?

3. With a 2.5x6x6 room would topping be appropriate?

4. Given that you had a 6 month window, how would you go about maximizing your harvest with the above equipment?
I've got a couple of random questions I've had trouble pinning down answers for so I'd like to hear your opinions on any of these if you don't mind:

1. How many cfl watts would you need to optimally veg. 6 plants? (given a 400w hps flowering room)

2. Would a plant vegged for 3 months have a significant amount of difference from a plant vegged for 2?

3. With a 2.5x6x6 room would topping be appropriate?

4. Given that you had a 6 month window, how would you go about maximizing your harvest with the above equipment?

1. at least 2 150w bulbs per plant...but the more lights the better, you know that.

2. as for vegging the more branches and nodes and so on and so forth then the more bud sites. if you think about it, they veg for like 6 months outside...

3. that is not a ton of room so you want NO sativa's i got one in a batch that is the same as my other plants and it 3 foot taller than any other plant i have. and it is still growing...only two weeks into flowering. the space issue gets back into the veg issue. the longer you let them grow the bigger there going to get. and the pot size has a lot to do with it. big pots and healthly roots mean big maybe get a nice indica that doesnt get huge such as an ak-47 or low-ryder. you dont want to grow all this great weed and run out of room and have to harvest early...

4. 6 months is a long time to grow. most people on here try to finish in 12-14 weeks total. you will just be going to into flower at that time. you will have a big harvest if the plants are taken care of. it sounds like you have a walk in closet that you are going to grow in. i had 4 plants in 10 inch pots and they were all indicas and they got about 36 inches from the top of the pot. i am going to pull those plants sunday and i am expecting 5 oz dry. they are good looking plants. but i finally got my whole room ready and have 20 plants in there and there are going to put off 2 pounds easy...

well i hope this helps....if so, hook a brother up with a + rep.