Maximum Yeild ??'s


Hey im looking to maximize my yeild and am currently moving to a new grow room.
I have plenty more space and will be growing around 6-12 flowering plants.
As of now i have 6 clones and 6 seedlings whats the best way to increase yeild, im trying to learn more about co2, but what size pots are appropriate for 1/4LB plants and how long should i veg them for? Im using 600w HPS for flowering.
Any and all suggestions are appreciated! THANKS


Well-Known Member
I normally wouldn't post this, but I would say strain/breeder makes the biggest difference. You can find a really nice pheno from any company, but I've found some really nice/consistent, heavy yielding phenos from serious seeds.

I don't know much about CO2, or those things, but from what I've seen the gains aren't really worth the hassle, money, or time. That is up for you to decide though.


Active Member
Not all from experience but from information I have picked up reading etc...

If height & space arent a problem and time isnt a problem, then veg for a long period, let plants reach at least 20+ inches in height and 6-8 nodes minimum. (6-8 weeks of veg) the longer the veg time the higher chance of bigger yields.
CO2 will definitely help with yeilds, there are some great DIY's for co2 using water, yeast and sugar.
Heavy nutes, without burning plants.
Lighting time of anywhere from 18/6 to 24/24, I like a 22/2 myself but just my liking.
I would recommend a good flush or at least a heavy semi flush every few weeks, just to keep the plants happy and reduce any chance of nute lock.
HPS is definitely the light to use for both vegging and flowering, though I have seen some results using MH for vegging that did better on same strains for vegging. If all your using for veg is HPS add a few cfl's to give a better spectrum of light.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yep, and I'm not here to debate anyone, just offering my subjective opinion. Only one way to know for sure right? Have fun with it.


Well-Known Member
More light my friend. Chuck another 600 in there. I do 16 under 2x600 hids and I would like another but I would have trouble keeping temps down, but yeah more light = more bud