maybe a dumb question - REG vs FEM SEED question


ive always wanted to know..

How can u get a mother plant from a REG seed? you dont know the sex until it flowers?

2nd question

How do u clone with a reg seed, again, you dont know the sex until the flower period? clone it when u see sex during flowering? or clone all the plants before flower, keep track of the clones that the plant turns female?

I really have thought about this hard, and what do people do? haha i dont get it

with fem seeds, its easy. find the best phenotype and keep it as your mother, it doesnt enter flowering. isnt a mother plant from seed not clone? in which you clone you mother plant till it dies? haha idk


Well-Known Member
well plants will show signs of sex during vegatative growth so people probabally wait till pre flowers show then they know.

some people hate on fem seeds, i personally wouldnt bother with reg seeds. i mean think about it. order a 10 pack of reg seeds for 60 bucks and 9/10 turn male on you......well that was one expensive female. fem seeds on the other hand you get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand(I've never cloned or grown a clone but have read a little bit about it), is that you veg the plant for a period of time, take cuttings and veg the clones, while doing that, flower the "mother" and if it hermies chop it and throw the clones out, if it flowers and produces good bud, keep the clones and use one of them as a mother plan(this last part is an assumption, I'm not sure on it personally).


Well-Known Member
well plants will show signs of sex during vegatative growth so people probabally wait till pre flowers show then they know.

some people hate on fem seeds, i personally wouldnt bother with reg seeds. i mean think about it. order a 10 pack of reg seeds for 60 bucks and 9/10 turn male on you......well that was one expensive female. fem seeds on the other hand you get what you pay for.
That isn't always the case though, a lot of breeders are very lazy and don't stablise like the good fem breeders do. An example is that of a friend of mine, he ordered 5 Killawatt from Seedism and 3 of them hermied(no obscure conditions or abuse to plant), so the likelihood is that the breeder either had a poor batch of seeds, or is just a general twat and can't be bothered to take the time to produce good seeds(I think the former is most likely). However, the two plants he did have were excellent and produced well over 4 ounces each(4.7ounces and 4.3ounces respectively) of very good quality bud which blew me away.

But there is always a risk, no matter what type of seed you buy, reg, fem or auto flowering, you'll always have that chance of hermie or poor pheno.


from what understand is if u want the repetition from harvest to harvest is to use reg seeds, find the best phenotype and clone that phenotype and keep it going. but lost in the translation is how do u know if its female or how you approach that method the best way.

i do agree its always a risk for bad pheno,hermie


Well-Known Member
If you're using reg seeds;About 3 weeks into veg, the plants will show their sex.

Let's say you sprout 4 seeds, and 3 end up being female. I'd take clones of the 3 females (more on this later), and grow the seeds out to see which Pheno I liked best, e.g. yield, taste, density, etc.

After I knew which pheno I wanted, I'd dispose of the other clones and only keep the clones from the single pheno I wanted to use.

I'd grow out the 3 reg seeds to completion, but would only propagate from the one pheno that I wanted to use.

I know people who only use seeds as mothers, I personally don't care whether it's seed or clone. A 'mother' plant just refers to a plant that is kept in vegetative state and is used to take cuttings from, with no specifics about being raised from seed or clone.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna disagree with the strains showing sex after 3 weeks of veg some will and some won't.. Took my bd mom about 3 months before she showed sex in veg. My original sour d from Cali connect turned male and there was absolutely no signs of sex during veg. What I do when I order seeds is wait till the bottom 3-4 branches are big enough then I take cuts, and leave the mother to continue veg. Then after they root I'll shove them into the flower room. Within 3 weeks I'll know if it's male or female. Every time I've ordered fem seeds it's always turned female and pretty stable.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
If you're using reg seeds;About 3 weeks into veg, the plants will show their sex.

Let's say you sprout 4 seeds, and 3 end up being female. I'd take clones of the 3 females (more on this later), and grow the seeds out to see which Pheno I liked best, e.g. yield, taste, density, etc.

After I knew which pheno I wanted, I'd dispose of the other clones and only keep the clones from the single pheno I wanted to use.

I'd grow out the 3 reg seeds to completion, but would only propagate from the one pheno that I wanted to use.

I know people who only use seeds as mothers, I personally don't care whether it's seed or clone. A 'mother' plant just refers to a plant that is kept in vegetative state and is used to take cuttings from, with no specifics about being raised from seed or clone.
Aye there laddy..