maybe a hermie?


Active Member
HAY GUYS! I was just gonna post this in one of the other hermie threads but i didn't want to hijack it. Anyway, I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow but...:

My plants are at like week 7 or so, and I'm pretty sure they take 8 weeks. So I've got about a week left. So today I was investigating the plants and i saw a little yellow thing sticking out of a bud, which I thought was just a yellowing sugar leaf, but apparently its a "Banana" cause i found a few more.
for the most part the plants seem fine but as I investigated more i found one (by one I mean it looked like there was one seed being made) that looked like it had been polinated :( it was like a white fluffy part of the bud. i also found a little premature hard seed. most of the bananas seem like they are on that plant.. and really they seem like they are just on certain branches of the plant. the other ones might have like one or two bannas that i saw

anyway, should i cut them or just let them go a few more days? does plucking the bananas off really do anything? maybe cut off the problem branches?



Well-Known Member
you should have bagged it if you think its hermie to protect other plants from pollen, pollen can drop overnight.


Active Member
good idea thanks for the advice. I probably should've just cut the trouble branch away ;/

my other plants had little bananas or something too though :(


Well-Known Member
i have this problem as we speak, its devistating, nearly my entire crop was polinated and is turning hermie. However, often times many strains are said to start to develop bananas here and there as a sign the plant is ripe. Also, i found a thread onhere that had a bunch of people saying that many plants grown from femenized seed will be partial hermie towards the end, but these guys just plucked them; and for the most part they ended up with a good plant, not what you here 50/50 seeds/bud. However, i have little experience, so if someone else comes on here disputing what i said, they may be correct. Good luck.


Active Member
Whenever working with bagseeds I have a hermie issue, I like to grow bagseeds outdoors so needless to say every year I have a hermie issue... my policy is if I am not sure best chop it off to preserve the rest of the plant the loss of 1 node or something isn't as bad as the whole plant (or crop) getting seeds when in doubt cut off the bananna


Active Member
Thanks guys. gonna get some pictures in a sec although i have no idea if the bananas will even be large enough to show on camera ;/

its definitely a female though ive grown this plant before. All feminized seeds and they are clones from a female too. plus fat nugs... the bananas are coming out of the nuggins ;o

maybe its just a false seed pod or something? thought i read someone mention that... cause i found another hard seed, but it was all green ;/ and the surrounding area is still mostly buds.. but yea trying to get a pic of the nanas

my camera only takes blurry pictures :(

you can kinda see some yellow nanas next to my finger :( they are so tiny though ;/

only other pic that wasn't hella blurry ;/


Active Member
Here's some more pictures but my camera is so lame you cant even really see what im trying to show you ;/
IMG_5282.jpg i think iw as trying to get a pic of the seed pod thing ;/
IMG_5285.jpgthis is one of the banana bunches i pulled off :O
IMG_5283.jpg bananas/ seed pod thing
IMG_5281.jpg i dunno what iwas going for here ;/ i think just a node shot.