MDMA crystals in capsule OR dissolve in water?


Well-Known Member
Hello friends, happy holidays and happy Christmas Eve. I'm going to roll on 200mg for the first time this Saturday. Since molly is so bitter, is there a problem if I just put the crystals inside an empty pill capsule instead of dissolving it in water and drinking it? Thanks in advance.
Speed and coke was normally wrapped in a cigarette paper and swallowed, pure xtc will be an awesome time,
Enjoy your night!
Speed and coke was normally wrapped in a cigarette paper and swallowed, pure xtc will be an awesome time,
Enjoy your night!

My teenage son did that (parachute) with Kratom. It got caught in his throat and he was by himself choking with no air. He ran out of the house towards the neighbors and collapsed/fell hard on a landscape timber that hit him square in the chest and it knocked it loose. He gasped hard for air and sucked it down his lungs and aspirated. Had double lung pneumonia in 12 hours and a fever of 104 and climbing. Doctor said his youth and the fact he had such healthy lungs saved him. If he had been any older he would have died. Wrapping in paper and swallowing any drug extremely dangerous. Smash some bread flat and wrap it in that. Lick the outside and wet it and swallow away with a glass of water on stand by. That paper gets stuck in your throat dont be like my stupid son.

oh...I left out the 8 days in the hospital, losing his job. And those damn shots in the stomach eveytday so you dont get blood it worth it?
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My teenage son did that (parachute) with Kratom. It got caught in his throat and he was by himself choking with no air. He ran out of the house towards the neighbors and collapsed/fell hard on a landscape timber that hit him square in the chest and it knocked it loose. He gasped hard for air and sucked it down his lungs and aspirated. Had double lung pneumonia in 12 hours and a fever of 104 and climbing. Doctor said his youth and the fact he had such healthy lungs saved him. If he had been any older he would have died. Wrapping in paper and swallowing any drug extremely dangerous. Smash some bread flat and wrap it in that. Lick the outside and wet it and swallow away with a glass of water on stand by. That paper gets stuck in your throat dont be like my stupid son.

oh...I left out the 8 days in the hospital, losing his job. And those damn shots in the stomach eveytday so you dont get blood it worth it?
I'm sorry to hear that I can only imagine what you went through as a parent I hope he makes/made a full recovery.
I'm all grown up now with a family, I had mushrooms in Amsterdam on the millennium that was the last time I had anything other than weed, I thoroughly enjoyed them I might add lol

With a rizla (bomber) I use to make sure it was coated in syliva before swallowing it, I can't remember ever having a problem but I distinctly remember coating it with silyva before swallowing it.

I wouldn't mind a night with old friends and some speed or magic mushrooms but fk me a heart attack is now a concern lol.
I'm sorry to hear that I can only imagine what you went through as a parent I hope he makes/made a full recovery.
I'm all grown up now with a family

With a rizla (bomber) I use to make sure it was coated in syliva before swallowing it, I can't remember ever having a problem but I distinctly remember coating it with silyva before swallowing it.

I wouldn't mind a night with old friends and some speed or magic mushrooms but fk me a heart attack is now a concern lol.

It was only a month ago. You couldnt imagine our thoughts over losing our son so young and in such a way. The first three days the Doctors had us really scared saying "He aspirated his lungs, the outlook is very grim and then they asked us if he was an organ donor" The wife was almost hysteric as this is our baby boy of 3 sons. Our oldest had a brain injury accident and was in a coma and on a respirator 8 years ago and wasnt expected to live. Because he was an adult and had no insurance 14 days was the max they would keep him on a respirator. Then on day 13 he opened his eyes. But he cant walk except with a walker or use his hands to write or even feed himself. Talks when he wants to. Can eat the hell outa And will be in a Nursing Home for the rest of his life. BUT he's alive and we are raising his daughter who is 9 years old now. Anyway back to the youngest, this is an enormous hospital and during the talk with the Doc outside his room we heard 2 code blues called over the intercom and they were filled to the brim with Covid patients and couldnt get him on a respirator cause they were all being used. But young and healthy non-smoker except pot his lungs pulled through. He was very lucky and is doing well, got a better job. And no longer takes Kratom in any form! He's a fellow grower also. Not a member of the forum here (because in his vast knowledge of one barely successful closet grow he knows it, lol)

Now if you want to talk Heart Attacks Im your man Ive had two. Including being clinically dead for 3 minutes and 12 secs. PM me anytime and I'll answer anything you want to know about it.
Dissolve it. In water and take its gonna be kinda bitter so. If you do it in bomb (put some mdma in paper and swallow ) its gonna kick kinda strange. I prefer dissolved in water hit one time an fly lol. If its in paper its gonna hit like 20 mins on some mins off and again on off.
Have already rolled guys :razz: Following the 3-month rule and last time was 28 of March. Candyflipping is just WOOOOOOOOOOOOW :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump: Safe travels my friends :peace: