Medical help for kids.


Well-Known Member
So my wife just read me all about this poor kid landon that HAD cancer..... Well he's in remission because his mom finally stopped the cemo before it killed him, and started treating him with cannabis oil. I'll let you guys do some reading about it, but its a sad story, the government is trying to take him away from his mom because she did this.,d.b2I

Just wanted to share. I hate seeing kids suffering, or people suffering because of something that is helping people live.


Well-Known Member
Well I hate what they decided to name the video..... but otherwise very moving, and I would say pretty well done. I usually like the vice videos. Its so sad to see kids have to face things like this. Even if cannabis doesn't completely cure the cancer, if it allows these kids(and adults) to live a more normal happy and peaceful life who has the right to deny them that. Dr.s are always more then willing to pump everyone including children full of morphine, advan, and other hardcore narcotics, yet a little cannabis oil is what they feel the need to fight about at the expense of all the patients.