Medical In NoDak


Active Member
Does anyone know how to get a medical license to possess in North Dakota? Are there specific Dr's that one must visit? Is there a place to pick it up? I heard something about getting a license through canada and they will send it to your door, anyone know about this? any information will be helpful...


Active Member
not searching online I can only find MMJ information for Oregon, Washinton, California, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine and Nevada. I was hoping that one could a license anyways. Could I get a license in Cali and then have stuff delivered to me in NoDak? How long does the process take? are there a list of appropriate Dr's?


Well-Known Member
Hey . . . since that list excluded Montana, and Mont.s' a MMJ state, maybe they left ND off?
If not, as long as you stay out on the plains in Eastern Montana, you won't miss the loverly N Dak weather. Love these HUGE states with one or two million citizens!
Frequently Asked Questions


Well-Known Member
LOL! North dakota! Never. minnesota...maby. Sorry to hear you live in one of the lamest states in the U.S. I was extradited from california to nd for sending my sisters boyfriend some L. Spent 2 years incarcerated and 3 years on probation. weed is always 400 an oz. no matter what, an eighth of shwag is $25 and a quarter is $40. Thats fucking retarted. All of the most fucked up weed Ive ever smoked was in nd. Ive seen some blueberry there once and the guy was charging 480 an oz. no problem. It looked nice though and the guy refused to smoke with me. (pinner ass fuckhead wannabe hippy) Everything there is art fagish and overpriced, glass especially. they dont support local blowers either. All thier glass shit comes from a factory. Seriously, if your a glass blower, you can make a shitload of 5, 10 15 20 dollar pipes and sellthem for 3 times the price. Its so fucking stupid. But thier cops are the worst. Grand Forks is a very safe town to live in but thiers an enormous police force with only a town of 60,000. They deploy the swat team at any time theyre conceiveably able to, the sheriff task force raids peoples houses for minor infractions like they do it just to be doing it. I never seen anything like it. But once I came back to cal, I remembered what freedom is really like. I was in prison with this kid who was doing 18 months for having numchucks (sp? lol) I couldnt fucking believe it but it was true. Kid wasnt even 21 yet either. But seriously my dad always says that if you want anything to change you have to get off your ass and write your senator or congressman. Hey, something about ND is cool-they want to be the first state to grow industrial hemp. Go nd!


Well-Known Member
yo man nice post about ND! damn shame about your 2 years in, sorry to hear about that. it's fucking crazy how states' laws vary so much, so that all we really have to worry about out on the west coast is just the federal raids and such, but ND can be so shady. and it's true you have to get off your ass and force change, rep that :clap: