Medical in northern ontario?


Well-Known Member
I am wondering if there is somewhere that i can get information to bring to my doctor as i live in a small town in northern ontario and medicinal marijuana is not a popular subject, I have been taking pain killers for 3-4 years now, and have a spinal injury(one vertebra broken in 3 places) that I cannot do anything about. I have been smoking marijuana for a fairly long time and find it helps a lot in my pain relief, I would much rather be able to use marijuana over oxycodone and other pills like that.

also if anyone knows of a doctor list i would love to find one... my dr tends to be a jackass and I doubt he will sign my form... anyone know if this would be considered a category 1 or 2?


Well-Known Member
well i got in to see my doc today... pretty much got thrown out of his office, but on the bright side on my way home i went to the specialist i saw a few months ago, and seems like he may sign my category 1 letter of diagnosis for chronic pain to get membership the tcc... just had to tell the secretary that I was trying to get a membership to a private resource center to help people with pain management. she said that she will talk to the doctor later today and see what she could do possibly "twisting his arm" and to come back tomorrow...

anyone have any new experiences with this issue?


Well-Known Member
well i got in to see my doc today... pretty much got thrown out of his office, but on the bright side on my way home i went to the specialist i saw a few months ago, and seems like he may sign my category 1 letter of diagnosis for chronic pain to get membership the tcc... just had to tell the secretary that I was trying to get a membership to a private resource center to help people with pain management. she said that she will talk to the doctor later today and see what she could do possibly "twisting his arm" and to come back tomorrow...

anyone have any new experiences with this issue?
well doc signed my letter, but to a condition known as
lumbrosacral spondylolisthesis, wouldnt put the chronic pain on as he didnt see me for that... hope what i got is enough, if not i am going to see my family doc next week...


New Member
Hi there. I know it is very discouraging trying to get anyone to help you if you live in Canada. Its seems that if you live in the states, you get all kinds of help but if you live in Canada it seems your invisible.

You can go to to get info to take to your doctor OR go to Health Canada and look under the letter M - and find medical maihuana or marijuana. Its under the regulations MMAR or write to Health Canada
Office of Cannabis Medical Access
Address Locator: 3503B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1B9 Toll free 1-866-337-7705
OR 613-954-6540

Email address -

OR call David Nash at 1-250-748-8614 he is a federally licenced business grower

Good luck:)


Well-Known Member
well guys :mrgreen: say hello to one of the newest exemptee's for health canada's medical marijuana program!!!bongsmilie:blsmoke::mrgreen:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
what do u mean?...:confused: i figure pretty good as i just posted before that i got it...
Haha, my bad. I meant how did that happen. Did you find a new doctor to sign your papers. I heard doctors in Toronto don't want to sign them because their insurance goes up or something. Hopefully my doctor will sign the papers next week.


Well-Known Member
Haha, my bad. I meant how did that happen. Did you find a new doctor to sign your papers. I heard doctors in Toronto don't want to sign them because their insurance goes up or something. Hopefully my doctor will sign the papers next week.
well the doc i saw was from toronto and he had no problems signing me up when he heard pot got me off perks...