Medical Marijuana for people in Rhode Island with RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder)

this could be put in alotve forum places but i think it fits under legalization the best, either that or medical marijuana.

well, i have a petition going at

let me start off by saying yes I personally have RAD and the story at the site is my personal story and yes i know i would abuse medical marijuana if i was able to get it but legitamately if this petition passes with the state i would be fine not getting medical marijuana.
i honestly want to help RAD diagnosed suffering and confused people in Rhode Island if there are any others..

alright.. let me post what was written on the petition site incase you want to know more about it before you click a link posted by a stranger.

"Medical marijuana and marijuana in general has been known for its healing towards pain, emotional and physical.
RAD is a disorder which can be caused by neglect or abuse from parents to a child of very young age. a person who has RAD as a kid who is continued to be abused can and may be permanently forced to be shy, awkward, and "wierd". kids who stay this way for a long enough time will feel as if they need to act out and pull stupid stunts which may cause them to get a criminal record or get in trouble with their school. a kid with less then a handful of friends, who he hangs out with on less then a once a tri-monthly occasion, may not care about grades or even life and have suicidal thoughts and can lead to severe depression, suicide, or homicide.
ive known people with RAD and i think medical marijuana should be used for alot've disorders in Rhode island but i think RAD should be the first step.
now why RI? why not just go to california to get medical marijuana for RAD? because in california you have the risk of your dispensary getting raided, being arrested federally, and ect. , in RI hopefully the compassion centers will allow a safer and easier method to obtaining the medicine needed.
so Rhode Island, i ask of you, please help these children, teens, and adults, in obtaining what they need before they end up damaging their life irreversably."
- one big ass quote.

now if you REALLY want to help ME personally, then you can get me 2000 signatures by the 13th of july, why 2000? i thought it would make a statement to a senator saying im not alone on this argument, and why the 13th? im getting my first drug counseling and drug testing.. woohoo...:spew:

and dont worry when i present my petition i will have research and doctors on my side so dont think your efforts and by efforts i mean the 20 seconds it took to sign the petition, will go invain.

sorry for the long-ass post but i had to sum it all up..

keep fighting until :joint:'s legalized!
