Medical marijuana grow and probation

So about a month back I got a ticket for providing alcohol to minors and my court date is may 28th. Right now i'm in the middle of growing six medical marijuana plants, and I'm worried i might get put on probation. Do I have to trash my grow two months in if i do?


Well-Known Member
So about a month back I got a ticket for providing alcohol to minors and my court date is may 28th. Right now i'm in the middle of growing six medical marijuana plants, and I'm worried i might get put on probation. Do I have to trash my grow two months in if i do?
How the fuck do you get caught for providing alcohol to minors? Did you get caught by an undercover minor?


Well-Known Member
ya i agree how do you get caught for that just deny deny long do you have on your grow? what i would do is go in like this week and tell them your going on vacation and ask for a continuance...your date will get set back another month or so then you probably have a hearing first at which point you plead not guilty then you get a trial date another month have alot of time if your nearly done but if your just thinking about starting the grow id take care of this first!

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Keep your mouth shut. Admit to nothing! The burden of proof is on the state. That means you don't have to prove your innocence but rather the State has to prove your guilt. Don't even take the stand unless you absolutely have to. If they don't have an undercover that actually saw you do it or have a video of you doing it then its hearsay.
ya i agree how do you get caught for that just deny deny long do you have on your grow? what i would do is go in like this week and tell them your going on vacation and ask for a continuance...your date will get set back another month or so then you probably have a hearing first at which point you plead not guilty then you get a trial date another month have alot of time if your nearly done but if your just thinking about starting the grow id take care of this first!
I got caught when a college party got busted and I was one of the few people who was over 21. And right now I'm in the second week of flower so I would be looking to harvest around June 21.


Well-Known Member
your fine just do the thing i said about asking for a continuance because you cant make the court date and you will be harvesting well before any who knows might not get any probation. ask for a plea bargain in exchange for an admission of guilt, ask the da who will be their and you may just get court supervision and some classes if its a first offense
your fine just do the thing i said about asking for a continuance because you cant make the court date and you will be harvesting well before any who knows might not get any probation. ask for a plea bargain in exchange for an admission of guilt, ask the da who will be their and you may just get court supervision and some classes if its a first offense
Thanks for all the help I asked for a continuance so my court date got moved to the 27th of june.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Yeah if you are in colorado I wouldn't worry about it. Otherwise I don't think they'd have any grounds to search your place. I'd try to stash the crop at a friend's if you have harvested though just to be on the super safe side. You should be fine though.