Medical Marijuana Question


Well-Known Member
I recently broke my femur and my knee. i have had 2 surgeries. i had to have a metal rod put in my thigh. i deal with a lot of pain. do you think this would qualify me for medical marijuana? I don't live in medical marijauna state but may be moving.


Well-Known Member
I recently broke my femur and my knee. i have had 2 surgeries. i had to have a metal rod put in my thigh. i deal with a lot of pain. do you think this would qualify me for medical marijuana? I don't live in medical marijauna state but may be moving.
Most definately. One of my symptoms is chronic back pain. Just hold on to your records and when you do move to a state that has a medical marijuana program you'll just have to find a physician that recommends cannabis as a form of treatment. And if you want to obtain a card then you go to your nearest public health office and inquire. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
thanks calicat. I would think that i could qualify. it was a very bad injury, i'm lucky to still even have a leg, there's definitly a ligitimate need for pain control. and the limp is definitley not going away. i still can't walk without crutches and the accident was early april. I also can't sleep. they went in through my hip to put in the rod so i can't really lay on my side, which is how i always slept. i just can't get to sleep laying flat on my back. it's been a long several months.