

hi every one. i know this may be sound a little crazy but it dose matter because may be not for all but i believe for a lot of us this plant is a life saver and is turly a very or the most important and even may be the only real medicine that there is. so this was a thout i just had was part of the scam about how they do corporate drug trials and i thout of one way that i think should be part of the law to at least may be make it a little better of a system at least and that is to make it law that any drug tirals would have to say exactly this to any one in the drug trial so that the may be a little more real. and this is it - When reporting your experience with this drug trial remember first of all that how close you are to telling the truht could may be make the difference about not only how much this drug could help any one else but how may be it could hurt or even kill other people if you do not stay the truth in you report as much as possible. and that these drug trials are anonymous so that you do not have to worry about what you type becasue no one can ever know who said it.

so i am hoping that there is any one here htat is involed with any other person that may know how to get at least some thing like this added to the law will hopefully try to do it i wish i could but can barely find my way in to a place like this fourm. and the reason that i think it is a thing that is important is that if any one dose not know about how all of the corporat medicine in this world is approved they should please look in to it because it is a total scam. the best of any of the suposed medicine out there even in the very few trials that they admit to none of it dose any better that a sugar pill and a most of it they have no idea at all how bad it can be for people. really most of it out there is a get rich for them quick sugar pill that are so much worse for popel than they are better. so any way sorry if any one is mad that this is teh only place i could think of to type this to hope any one else out there understood it and could may be get some thing like this added to the law. so best wishes to all