Medicated Sour Green Apple Gummy Bears


Well-Known Member
I took 4 grams of RSO and melted 1.5 TSP of coconut oil and a 1/4 TSP of honey.
The recipe for my Sour Apple Gummy Bears is to use a 1 box of the Joly Rancher Sour Green Apple Jello mix, 2 packets of Knox Gelatin unflavored. Heat 1/2 cup of cold water with 2 pack of the Knox Gelatin and the box of Joly Rancher Jello mix on low to medium heat for 5 minutes . Add the RSO coconut honey oil after the gelatin is mixed after 5 minutes and add a 1 Table Spoon of Honey and stir in over low heat. The honey will help the RSO coconut honey oil mix with the jello mix evenly. I used these Gummy Bear candy molds They come with a large dropper that makes filling the molds easy with out a mess or wasting any mix. Fill the molds and put in the freezer for 30 minutes. One batch will use a little over 2 molds. You can sprinkle a little citric acid on them if you want to make them really sour. Enjoy!! 1 batch will make 130 Gummy doses
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Lol I use the same molds and our recipes are pretty close, but I've been using vegetable glycerine. Might switch to coco oil if that's working for you.

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