Medicating for seizures.


Well-Known Member
Just recently got hit with a bombshell. My wife of 18 years just had 3 grand mal seizures in a week.
The neuroligist is leaning towards Merrfs syndrome. They have more tests they need to run.
Atm they have her on kolonopins and they help a lot.
Anyways my question is whats the best way for her to use mj to help hold back the seizures.
Im just about done with my current grow and im going to be researching some good seizure strains.
This merffs crap is uncurrable and will take her from us sooner if she has it.

Thanks for any insight.


I medicate for Menier's Vertigo episodes. Like those who post about epilepsy and MMJ, I've found on average that strains that help with Insomnia/Anxiety also help with seizures. If vaping, higher temps skirting the edge near combustion will help.

My episodes last on average 24 hours. Before treating with MMJ, I had residual dizziness for a week after.

In the beginning, after I discovered that MMJ helped me avoid becoming physically sick, I would heavily medicate (read overdose) and go sleep it off. This worked well when sleeping it off was an option.

Recently, I had opportunity to try to micro-dose my way through an episode. It actually worked to allow me to manage spinning and nausea, while still being able to work/function. This takes a bit of experimenting and one needs to target the desired effects from the start. In my case, desired effects are removal of the nausea... I can pretty much deal with any amount of spins and still function, but not with nausea.

Important things to consider:
Vaporizer: Needs to be ready NOW! When I'm dizzy, I don't want to wait 10 minutes for a vape to reach proper heat level.
Herb: Right strain for the right symptoms. Each person is different, but suggest trying Kush or OG strains that are indica dom.
Targeted Effects: If being functional after medicating is required, then identifying strain and dosage that meets target effects really helps!

I am sorry to hear about your wife! Best wishes!


Well-Known Member
I just got back the results from my seizure patient using cbd critical mass from the cbd crew. I got 5 phenos out of a five pack and two stood out resulting in no seizures. If you're looking to get really stoned then this strain is not for you. It has a very mild high not heady more body. I'm still testing it to make sure the results are accurate and will know more in about two weeks. here's some pictures. grow pics 120.jpg grow pics 140.jpg grow pics 138.jpg