Medication should be free


Active Member
With the changes coming to the Canadian medical marijuana community everyone seems to be thinking dollar signs. Why. Marijuana should cost patients close to nothing to produce even with all the guide lines that are in place which i follow now anyways. I have a Grow with my father in a commercial building and with all the bills including 24h ADT security cost are still considerably low. I have 4 licenses in the building 60 plants and i produce about 6 to 8 pound a month no problem cost in total are about 2000 a month. With no limit on plant i could probably double that. the 4 patients that i grow for pay only the bills which is about 500 each for about a pound of product. With the changes Cant seeing it going any higher other than paying tax. Why cause there is no profit. Benefit of living in the maritimes a warehouse only costs about 100 grand.

See I want to produce marijuana for nonprofit and if i get a production lincense that will be the way i will be going.

I also have certification in horticulture so they better give me a damn PL.

Peace and love ppl not profits:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Nice! So you are applying for a PL than? Please keep us updated on your progress acquiring the license.


Staff member
eh i could see potential issues with meds being free ,..mostly the whole welfare free meds, so basically people would milk the system as they are and get pot for free too lol


Active Member
Im not trying to start a methidone clinic or something lol

I wouldnt just give pot away for free i would have a small collective that would help with costs and then they would reap rewards. I already know about 20 ppl with scrips that would jump on it if prices go up.

Deltron 3030

Well-Known Member
You have reasonable access to any other kind of medication so why should marijuana be excluded. Medical cannabis users are not welfare recipients in most cases they are sick people. Not to mention the fact that a lot of people on welfare a:bigjoint:re not the perceived burn outs but many are families made up of multiple children, others are just people who are going through a rough patch and many are single parent homes. The fact that people milk the system isnt a negative reflection upon them, but one of the governments inability to prevent it in the first place. Having free marijuana is impossible, Milton Friedman said it best when he stated there is "no free lunch" Somewhere along the line someone has to pay. In a perfect world with a perfect system every patient would have the the ability to produce their own medicine with such abundance that the excess cannabis gets sold to the government. Rather than directly exchanging hands with the government the cannabis is provided to the patient at no cost. The producer then receives payment for the amount provided from the government at a reasonable cost so that both sides remain financially viable. The way the increased expenditure will be covered is by ending a needless pursuit of cannabis (and potentially other drug related offences) thus recovering wasted tax dollars and putting them to better use. That all sounded great in my really stoned mind but in reality I just talked a bunch of B.S :bigjoint:


Active Member
'm sure you could work something out like you could get them to come trim or have them come to the garden once or twice a week to help out theres all kind of things you could do to help you run a non profit


Active Member
The only problem with that is they need to be employees or registered with your company and the more people know about your operation they more likely u r being robbed


Active Member
yeah good point but don't you think that with the new regulations that the whereabouts of medical marijuana facilities would be public record


New Member
I've read only 51 licenses will be allowed. That means that each commercial grow will be required to have at least 400 patients. Can you get that big! Sadly people they are not looking for small or medium, they want it all in a massive layout like Prairie Plant who is producing their crap right now in Stoon. The application process is a just to calm the masses down. Everyone should read the particulars a little more closely because getting your hopes up on a small scale is exactly what they want you to do, side track you while they blind side you with the real deal.